Views on fear
I have read my biggest fan Lew Dallas' e-mail and self proclaimed President of the Turkey talk e-blog website. He has earned the distinction of best writer and it is an honor to have him on board to give me feedback on his views. His latest e-mail talks about falling into a hole which he though was solid around the sides of the hole. The way he describes the story, I could feel the fear. He kept his wits about him and did not quit trying to get out of the hole. He finally was able to get out. I did have somewhat a similar situation where I fell into my sister's pool in the deep end at night. I wasn't filled with fear at the time it happened. I was more filled with instructions on what to do to get out of the situation. I yelled for help, but I knew no one would hear me. I also knew I had to swim for the side of the pool. I knew when I fell under the water, I had to swim up and break through the top to get air. I dog paddled to the side and took time to gather my strength. I was able to walk along the side of the pool to the shallow end and climb out completely soaked. I did feel the fear later after getting out realizing what a pickle I was facing. Also, like Lew who avoided the hole, I played it safe and avoided the pool area for awhile. It was FDR who said"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." In some situations this is easier than others. I would like to think the fear of would keep me from doing lots of stuff I should avoid. I guess it is how you view the situation.
At 4:17 PM,
Lew said…
Thanks for the generous compliments. I am just fortunate to have had a very happy and adventurous childhood. I have always had an appreciation of the beauty of nature as far back as I can remember. I can tell by your pictures that you have an appreciation of nature as well. Each picture seems to have a story to tell embeeded within it. Like the picture of the sailboat. There is no steering wheel. The boat is steered by an old fashioned tiller which has the rudder on the end of it. It must have been a warm day because the hatch is open on the front of the boat to allow the breeze to blow in and exit out of the back of the cabin onto the skipper. I am sure that the individual is probably having a fantastic time. The ocean instills a feeling of peace and comfort. Except, of course, unless you are a captain of a Spanish galleon sailing with lots of gold from the New World on your way to Spain and the rain clouds start to gather and the barometer starts to fall as the winds start to pick up and then the rats start to jump from the ship. But other than that, sailing on the ocean can be quite pleasant. I prefer sailing the ocean on a Carnival cruise ship. Now, that is pure enjoyment. Well, I have to go. It is time for a bite out of the remaining half of the pecan log roll. Have a nice evening. Lew
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