First Weekend in January
Last night I watched David Foster and friends on PBS. This wasn't the first time, but I enjoy good singing and music. He had artist like Kenny G.,Andrea Bocelli, Josh Groben, Celine Dion, a Asian girl named Cheri who sang like Whitney Huston, and Michael Buble who sings like Frank Sinatra. Mom fried up the rest of the chicken last night. We also had mashed potatoes and chicken gravy. Plus mom made fresh Cole slaw which I ate it all. I liked the other dish where mom baked the chicken with some mushroom soup and some biscuits on top. This was also a real good meal. Mom said" the Christmas lights come down today." I am sorry to see them go. They gave me a warm kind feeling to see the glowing green and red lights outside the kitchen window. I also loved looking at the one Italian neighbor who had lights all in his front yard and around the water fountain in the middle of his front yard. It was like looking at a Disney display. There was also one other Italian family which I didn't go see enough of their light display. Angelo said" it took him about six days to put up all the light displays in his front yard." He did this for his kids and probably the grandchildren. This is a full month of free driving on the beach. This changes the first of February. I hope we get another cool front. I love the cool weather. Once it is gone, the hot weather comes back and it is not as fun. Especially when the humidity sets in, the only good place is either at the movie theater or in front of the television with the air conditioning blowing. However, for now I will just enjoy the January weather.
At 6:18 AM,
Lew said…
I see only one person in the water enjoying the surf in the picture. Must be a tourist. Only the tourists from up north can stand the cold water. When I was young and my parents left New York with a couple feet of snow on the ground for vacation in Florida, I went into the ocean water in Florida with no problem. I was use to that cold wintry weather and so by comparison the water felt fine to me. Plus the ponds that I would normally swim in New York were spring fed and the water was always very cold. Typically in the winter months I would be on the pale side because I was always bundled up for protection from the cold and so the sun couldn't get to me to tan me. When we came south to Florida on vacation and my parents took me to the beach, I would stay too long on the beach in the bright sun playing in the sand. I would get a terrible sunburn because my skin was so pale which is normal for northeners in the winter months. With a bad sunburn, I would not be able to return to the beach for the remainder of the one week vacation. Although disappointed, I had my $1.00 allotment of comics (10 comics at 10 cents each) plus all of the coca cola to drink that I wanted. So I would sit and happily read my comics and drink my sodas. At the time, it just didn't seem that life could be more pleasurable than that. I felt that I had it made. Such simple pleasures back then. No video games, just comics. Have a nice day and read some comics and sip some soda. I still read comics myself but now they are the Classics Illustrated comics. I have found a website where you can download them. Right now I am reading Last of the Mohicans by James Fennimore Cooper. I read a few of the pages of the Classics Illustrated comic version which helps me set the storyline and characters in place and then I read the same portion of the story from the dowloaded book. I find it much more pleasant that way to read the classics. Have a good day. Lew
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