Tuesday is drifting along
I got Gator's picture to be posted real soon. I was playing Hip soft placing presents into a cargo train and be timed . I play until I loose the game. When I loose I give up and say "that's it." The game is very additive which I don't want to take up that much time. I picked up the Champagne yesterday at Moe's liquor down the street from us. It is a Taylor's brand which means the grapes are grown in New York. I figured it was time to support New York verses California. Plus Taylor makes a good Port wine. The coffee this morning is eight o'clock coffee in a Folgers plastic can. I will use it up and then open the new Folgers coffee and switch the lids. The Colombian comes in a black lid so I switch it out for the gold one because it looks prettier. Velvet is in the background. However, the picture cut out her head. I was focused on Gator and I got him. Pretty soon the new calendars go up. It should be kind of neat looking at a new calendar. I only got to visit CVS to pick up some medicine. I cooked a roast and potatoes and apple pie. Mom and I dined on leftovers last night. Bits of roast on crackers with cheese and bits of onion to top off a mini treat. I think I will be caught up in the new Bachelor show about a single dad looking for love out of 25 young girls with super figures. There is no one on this show even slightly over sized. I guess it is better than the Survivor show where the contestants are malnourished on rice for three months. Richard Hatch who won the first show of Survivor was overweight to begin with. He slimmed down without loosing much energy. He didn't seem to suffer as much as the rest of the contestants. 2009 is looking like it will be an interesting year.
At 4:05 PM,
Lew said…
Champagne? Be careful. When I was living in Phoenix we got a bottle of chapagne one year. My neighbor Louie and his wife invited us over on New Years eve nite to see the brand new plush shag length carpeting that he had just gotten installed in their living room. I had put the champagne in the refrigerator earlier and so it was chilled. I took it over to share it with him and his wife. We saw the carpet and sat around and chatted for a bit. Then it was time to open the bottle of champagne. I struggled and struggled with the cork but to no avail. I tried pul.ling staright back with my hane and twisting it as I pulled. Finally on one of my tries the cork literally shot out of the bottle across the room. Right behind the cork was a huge "Ole Faithful" geyser of cheap champagne that shot out several feet spewing all over their brand new French provincial white carpeting (we were sitting in the living). It seemed to spew forever and quite a bit of the champagne did come out. I was so embarrassed and told them how sorry I was. They assured me that everything would be okay as the wife was blotting up the champagne from the wet carpet with towels. We all drank one glass of champagne rather quickly and then I made a hurried exit for home. That was my first and last experience at opening a bottle of champagne. So be careful that you don't end with an "old faithful" geyser also.
We went to see the movie Valkyrie this afternoon. There was a long line because there was only one ticket seller in the ticket booth. We waited patiently as the line slowly crept forward. When we finally made it to the ticket window and asked for tickets for the movie Vakyrie we were told that the sound system had broken down and that they would not be showing the movie today. We left deciding to return on next Senior Tuesday to see the movie. On the way home we stopped at the library and got several DVD movies including Twister. Tonight Mary made a casserolle of cheese macaroni with slices of hot dogs in it with a couple of buttered bisquits on the side. Kitten has to keep her bandage on for another 10 days. We were disappointed. She got her second round of vaccinations today. When she returns for the bandage removal she will have to go under general anesthesia because of the bandage with put on with a strong adhesive. I guess that it would hurt a lot if she were awake and so she will end up sleeping through and when she awakens everything will be over with. And tomorrow? Well, tomorrow is lunch at the Holiday House and some leg of lamb. Enjoy you eight o'clock coffe. When I was young I worked at an A&P grocery store and eight o'clock was our store brand. I had a good time working there and made a number of friends. I was in my first year of college in Miami at the time. Have a good day. Lew
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