We have arrived

Mom and I are unpacked at Glendon's place. We dined on Glendon's different cheeses she got with some crackers. Glendon and mom watched an old Betty Davis video while I watched Andrea Bocelli videos on You Tube. This morning I let her cat Mink inside to eat some cat food. She gets a bit fussy. She meows very loudly. She wants a little milk on her food and she wants you to watch her while she eats. I soon grew tired of her crying, so I gently tossed her back outside. I presumed she went off to the barn area where she could chase creators like mice and small birds or the other cats.This is a picture of Mink the cat. She is a good subject for the camera. She doesn't mind getting her picture taken. It is nice and warm inside the house. I believe it is suppose to be warm the rest of the week according to the weatherman. We are suppose to get a visit from our friend Joe today. I can anticipate the arguments now. He is the kind of guy who doesn't argue out of meanness. He believes in what he is saying and just likes to drive his point across. The rest of the week should be warm. I guess it will be good weather to hang out clothes for laundry. Be sure to check out You Tube for Dewolfe 44. I added a couple of new videos about Glendon's friend David riding her horse Shooter. One video he is singing Happy Trails and the other Shooter is coughing at him. I also have my beach videos on this site.
At 6:53 AM,
Lew said…
Sure looks like an unhappy cat with her ears back. Are you sure she isn't camera shy? As part of the cheese fest, did you have a cheese ball? They are so good. And there is such a variety of crackers to put the cheese on, onion flavored crackers, garlic flavored cracker, sour cream flavored crackers and the list goes on and on. Did Glendon's friend get her leaky faucet fixed for her? How about the fireplace. Will you have a fire in the fireplace on Christmas eve? It is a nice tradition if you happen to have a fireplace. I saw the videos but David blended in with the large tree when he got in front of it and was hard to see. I am not sure what is on the schedule for today. I have my Christmas shopping completed. I know that trying to do any last minute shopping tomorrow will be a mistake. We will be going to one of Mary's daughters house here in Orlando for the gift exchange. Her children and the spouses and children wil be going there also for the gift exchange and her daughter is preparing a royal feast for everyone. She has a beautiful house and is the sonsummate hostess. Her parties are always fun and memorable. Have you tried the microscope yet? I find that illuminating what you want to look at from above is pretty interesting for large objects like salt, sugar and sand. I think that it may take a while to get use to, especially the focusing, but when you do I think that it will be a lot of fun. Have a good day. Lew
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