Christmas traveler
I like the picture of Lillian with a hibiscus in her hair. It looks very Island like. She is just missing a sarong. I am looking forward towards the cooler weather from the cold front set to arrive tomorrow night. This is such a nice change from the heat of the summer or the summer storms. Mom and I were planning to go to my sister Glendon's house on Monday. I talked with Glendon this morning and she stated she has a leak at the sink. She tried to get us to come up on Tuesday. I kind of nicked this idea because our friend Joe is suppose to show up on Tuesday and we don't know what time he will arrive. Glendon wanted organic food on Monday. I wanted to pick up barbecue takeout. She is against take out now because it doesn't come with the word organic. We will do what we can to survive the week. I feel like the happy road traveler.
At 7:37 AM,
Lew said…
A good picture of Lillian. All that is needed is some background music of the Florida Keys by Jimmy Buffet. When I worked at the SuperSaver grocery store, they had the song Volcano by Jimmy Buffet on their background music track. I really liked the song. What a time for your sister to get a leak because she has to work on the weekends. Yesterday I replaced a diverter valve in the shower. The knob that you turn to divert the water either to the main shower head or the hand-held shower broke. And when it broke it shot straight up out of the pipe and then the water shot straight up after it at full force like the geyser Old Faithful. Thank goodness all of the water fell into the bath tub and so there wasn't any mess. The diverter was made of plastic. I got an exact replacement which was also made of plastic. It cracked upon installation from over-tightening. So back down I go to the Ace Hardware store and bought the metal diverter valve which was four times as expensive. I installed that without any problems and the valve works real smooth. I am very pleased with it, just not with the price
($ 20). But it should last for a good long time. Maybe you friend Joe could repair Glendon's sink leak for her when he comes. That would save your sister a lot of time which she will need in preparation for Christmas and Christmas dinner. We are having a large Turkey breast for Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. I saw the picture of Glendon on her horse Shooter. The horses coat is so shiny. But poor Seargent, he looks like he has had it (hot with tongue hanging out and tired). Today we are going to the library to check out some DVD's. I have finished my course on mammography and passed the exam. Now I will return to a generalized x-ray textbook for my studies. I cleared up the last remaining loose ends of the mammorgraphy studies this morning. There I was with my morning cup of coffee sitting at the dining room table reading text on my laptop early this morning when the kitten came in and wanted to be held. So I picked her up and continued to read while holding and petting the kitty with the injured leg and the chihuahua sitting in the chair next to me. Things can get crowded even at 6:00 am. This morning for breakfast we had fried eggs, lite Spam fried and apple cinnamon muffins but made in a doughnut pan so that they looked like donuts. I don't know why but the muffins seem to taste better when they look like donuts with powdered sugar on top. Have a great day. Take care. Lew
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