Positive and Negative things during Christmas 2008
This picture was supposed to be a Santa pirate ship which would make sounds like a cannon blasting every once in a while. I am still amazed and astounded by Christmas lights. Last night mom took me down the road to look at the Christmas displays in front of the two Italian houses. One had real white lights displayed around a water fountain in the middle of the yard. The other had different color lights and different displays like Santa and the reindeer and the manger scene. Plus a statue of Mary surrounded by a soft green light. Mom talked with Angelo the owner who spent five to six days connecting lights and placing his displays so his kids could admire it. Those two houses were the best displays on our street. Where do you start with the Casey/Caylee story and where does this end? The remains of a little girl was discovered yesterday by a County meter reader guy who had the got to go feeling in the woods. What a gruesome sad situation for the meter reader guy who called the police. What a story for the news media to display to the public. What closure this may bring to the police working on the Caylee case. The mystery of how she died would be discovered. The Grandparents would have to accept the fate of their Granddaughter and bring closure through a funeral. I could only hope she didn't suffer before her death. How easily would it have been for Casey just to give up custody of her daughter so she would have a chance to live? Anyone would have been glad to raise her as their own. I wonder how much her attorney really believes in Casey's case? Will he stick it out until judgment is passed on her or will he want out? There are still quite a few chapters to be written in this deceitful tale of a forgotten little princess who was murdered by " this is yet to be established" a jealous party mom who seems to be a monster in disguise.
At 3:34 PM,
Lew said…
We are always fascinated by pirates here in Florida which is probably home to the pirates of old as well as the caribbean. And speaking of Pirates of the Caribbean, that is my all-time favorite ride at Disney. I just never seem to tire of it. The dreams of pirate treasure is fascinating. When I was young (around age 10 to 12)and my parents came to Florida on vacation, we would stay in an apartment motel with living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bath. It was actually quite large. They had a nice grassy lawn out front with the plush bermuda grass. I always wanted to go to the beach but my father just wanted to sit in a lawn chair on the grass talking to Mr. Reese, founder of Reese's peanut butter cups. To placate me for not going to the beach each day, my parents would give me one dollar each day to buy comic books or magazines to read. Comic books were ten cents then and so what a treasure trove this was. Sometimes I would buy treasure magazines and I still remember reading with wonderment about the pirate city of Port Royal which had suddenly subsided and submerged into the ocean. The descriptions of the divers swimming through the sunken buildings was fascinating. I also remember reading an article by William Beebe of his adventures in his bathyscaphe and the strange fish that he saw deep in the ocean. The magazines made me want to take up treasure hunting. And although I never did take up hunting for pirate treasure, I somewhat satisfied my treasure desires by purchasing a metal detector. It has gotten a lot of use but the only things that I found were coins. But the fire of adventure still burns within. I think that it would be incredibly exciting but that is just a schoolboy fancy of a now much older schoolboy. So your lighted pirate ship with cannons booming must have been a lot of fun for the owners. What ever happened to that houseboat that started to sink that you use to get pictures of? What a shame to let it sink and suffer water damage. Have a nice cool evening with a cup of hot chocolate with tiny marshmellows on top to warm you. Take Care. Lew
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