Short thoughts
I still have pleasant memories of the boat parade. There were lots of good boats all decorated. I think going to the parade was something worth while mom and I did together. I believe she enjoyed it as much if not more than I did. I don't believe Disney could do much better. Maybe they would have added some fireworks, but that could be too flashy. Yesterday was kind of a chore day with my doctor's office visit and taking out the garbage. Mom sent out a couple of Christmas cards. I paid for health insurance for the next couple of months. Today, I will call my sister Glendon and see what she is doing. Plus I will probably sleep in a bit. I heard rain was coming around Thursday.
At 3:42 PM,
Lew said…
Although the picture is blurred, the colors are nice. It must have been really colorful to see it in person. Tonight was rotisserrie chicken night. We got one of those showtime rotisseries. You know, the ones where "you set it, and forget it!". The one that is marketed by Ron Poppiel of "the pcoket fisherman" fame. I had one of the pocket fisherman's when I was young. It was really neat. It was a fishing pole where the pole telescoped in on itself. It had a small reel and the handle was hollow and contained all of the various fishing gear like hook, sinkers, floats, etc. It was a nice product and it worked real well. Plus you could carry it in your back pocket. The rotisserie is nice also and is easy to cook the food on. But the clean-up is a pain and a chore. I put a whole chicken on the rotisserie and now we have enough leftovers for another meal or two. What are you and your mom bringing to the Christmas party? Have a good evening. Lew
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