The pet turkey

I found a picture of Glendon's turkey named "The General" by Glendon. I haven't seen him since mom and I came home, but I kind of miss the bird. I spent part of yesterday traveling with my mom to the post office to pick up our mail. The post office looked pretty busy and the people behind the counter acted so official. They were asking the customers things about the packages they were sending like are the items breakable or are the items hazardous material? I found out a roll of stamps of 50 cost $21.00 dollars. I did not see any exciting new featured stamps. I saw some Disney cartoon stamps. I saw some baseball stamps. I saw some movie stars I didn't even recognized stamps. I inquired about the stamps because I am getting into the mind frame of starting the Christmas cards. I haven't pulled any new ones out yet, but I have pulled out some old ones to look at the addresses. I find this is a way of making connections to people from my past. I would find out details like a close friend had been in a nursing home for two years which I thought would never end up there unless he was visiting someone else. His wife said he had dementia. Inside my memory, I still see him as a strong hard working person with endless goals ahead. I find it nice to be tucked away inside where the outside rain seems far away. I had my first cup of coffee and it is barely after 5 in the morning. Maybe the weather will clear later. I hope it does.
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