Leaving the farm
It has been a chilly night. Glendon's central heater has had trouble keeping the house toasty warm. I kept waking up during the night really chilling. I understand why the animals need the extra food. It helps protect them from the cold weather.Today Mom and I return to a slightly warmer climate. The central air and heat works real well where we live. This is a picture of one of Glendon's cats. This cat she named Mink. Mink has a lot of issues so she talks to you or anyone who will listen . Both Mink and Glendon's favorite cat Alley are outside begging to come in. The baby horses will be taken over by Glendon's friend Diana. She will feed and turn the horses out into the big pasture. The big horses Glendon will deal with when she gets home. The panoramic view of the night sky will be gone and so will the panoramic view of the sunrise. The country life will be replaced by pelicans.
At 6:07 AM,
Lew said…
Electric blankets are good for when it gets cold and an electric mattress pad warms the backside. Yes, there really is such a thing as an electric mattress pad. Being "hunkered down" under warm covers on a chilly night is reminiscent of living up north. It is a cozy feeling. I guess that you probably did have some nice dark skies in Williston with the absence of the "big city" lights. The clearest skies that I have ever seen was on the White River Apache indian reservation in northeast Arizona. Myself and a group of about six or seven hospital coworkers were on a trip to explore Geronimo's caves which are located on the reservation. What a colorful name. We had a young man who was a coworker and also from the reservation to act as our guide. We camped out in front of the cave next to a stream of clear water. The area was lightly wooded. It was cool there during the day which was nice. But during the night, it got bitter cold. We were all sleeping on the ground in our sleeping bags. When we awoke in the morning we had nearly half an inch of frost on the sleeping bags and the ground. At first I thought that it must have snowed but it was just a very heavy frost. I went to get a drink of water from my military style canteen but the water was frozen solid. I mean it was really cold. But during the night I admired the clarity of the stars, and you could see stars clearly all the way down to the horizon. It was as if the sky was a glass dome and the stars were on that dome. It was just an incredible sight. But my awe and wonder ended after about ten minutes as the realization of the bitter cold set in and my attention was focused on trying to stay warm. I slept in the sleeping bag with all my clothes on including my mountain boots and was still cold. It wasn't long after sunrise before it started to warm up and everything was pleasant. We had a great time exploring the cave system which had numerous tunnels and rooms. That night I slept in my own bed in the nice warm desert climate of Phoenix, AZ. And you have the ocean to help keep you cool by a couple of degrees in the summer and warmer by a couple of degrees in the winter. The best of both worlds in a sense. Have a nice day today because the weatherman says that there is a cold front coming and it will be very stormy and windy tomorrow. Have a good day and enjoy your turkey sandwich for lunch. Lew
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