Thou shall not eat cake
I fought off temptation. I actually did not crave a morning dosage of sweets offered by The Garden Club of New Smyrna Beach. This was their holiday display of Christmas trees and silent auction with a raffle drawing. I did put the camera to work taking lots of pictures of displayed trees. The goodies were little bake goods which some were complementary while others were being sold. Mom bought a loaf of pumpkin bread which I had part and she had part. There is still some left. Mom fixed the bread up with some cream cheese and it was pretty good. After going to the tree display,our neighbor Pauline took mom and I to the Golden Biscuit where I got a mushroom burger for lunch along with some fries. I split some of it with mom. Pauline had a chicken sandwich with potato chips. Mom said she wasn't so hungry after dining on sweet snack stuff at the tree display. One of the questions on the Millionaire show on television was where was the origin of the Hamburger? The answer was Hamburg, Germany. I don't know how right the information was, but I enjoyed learning something new once in awhile. I just went to the online Wikipedia and they say Hamburger is the pounded Hamburg Steak. In the evening mom decided on cooking hamburger for chili. The chili turned out pretty good with some Ritz crackers crumbled up. It was a nice way to tackle the cold weather.
At 8:14 AM,
Lew said…
The picture looks like a Betty Crocker bake-off. I see the pumpkin bread on a green plate in the foreground. Is this the one that your mom bought? A restaurant with a name like the Golden Bisquit sounds like a mom-and-pop place. It has to be a refreshing change from McDonalds and Burger King. I like going to a restaurant in Webster (northwest of Orlando) called the Speckled Bean Cafe. An unusual name but a mom-and-pop restaurant with a buffet or you can order off the menu. I noticed that the overnight temperatures in Ocala were below freezing last night. Did your sister have any white frost on the grass which would look like a light snow? I think frost is about as close to snow as we can get here in Florida, which is actually a good thing. Mary went out into the back yard this morning and found a gray and white long-hair kitten. The mother is a feral cat. Initially the little kitten hissed but within seconds settled down and accepted the human handling. We will keep it and make a pet out of it. It will have a good life with us; warm house, well fed, lots of affection, etc. Hamburger? How about the reaction of foreigners who speak just a little english and are offered a hot dog to eat? They think that it is dog meat. But I haven't watched the millionaire program in a long time. There must be something else on in the same time slot that I watch instead. Today is library day. I have to take back some DVD's (Donnie Brasco and The Bunker) plus an MP3 audio CD of American Heroes by Oliver North. It is cold here in Orlando. I know that you wished for cold weather when it was hot, but I think that you may have wished too hard. Maybe next summer just wish for cooler weather instead of cold weather. LOL. I guess that it is time to have another cup of coffee. Take care and have a "cooler day". Lew
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