Reflections of yesterday and today
A friend sent a forward about someone who heard the sound of bees coming from their outdoor grill. If I knew they were bees for sure, I would have left them alone. However, this person had a sure way to get rid of the problem of bees by using a indoor fogger also known as a bomb to kill the bees. The bee bomb was administered and the bees died. This person opened part of the grill and a lot of dead bees spilled out on to the floor. However, this person opened up the rest of the grill to find several layers of honey comb partially filled with honey. We do have bees around my house pollinating the flowers. We have lots of flowers including some orange color flowers the bees like very much. I know the bees are producing honey for someone. I buy the honey from someone who raises bee hives in Osteen, Florida. She knows how to harvest the honey and it is always good. She is also full of knowledge about the lifestyle of the bee. The weatherman says cooler weather coming through tonight. Low will be in the upper 30's. I enjoy the cool weather because it makes the air so crispy clean. It is wonderful for deep breathing. Another plus is the joggers don't even break a sweat when jogging on the beach. Yesterday mom took me to the Flagler entrance of the beach again. The pirate captain Jack Sparrow guy who took pictures was not there. However, Geico man had his hair pulled back in a red scarf and still riding a bicycle. Mom originally pulled into the parking area in back of where Geico man was talking with his buddies on a bench. Both mom and I didn't feel comfortable so mom moved the car to the end of the parking lot near The Breaker's Restaurant. I went down the stairs and made my way over to where a large group of seagulls were huddled together on the shoreline. They seemed to accept me without much fuss. There may have been a few which took off in flight, but a majority stayed and huddled in a dazed look. They seemed to be in a world of animated movement. Their legs were like toy stilts mounted just to keep the body of the bird from tumbling over. Some seagulls were plopped on the cold dark wet sand with no legs showing. They weren't too concerned as long as you didn't get close in their invisible territory. They had an invisible fence once you crossed, the seagulls made the effort to get up and expand the wings into a flight motion lifting the body and legs off the ground to find a different location to settle down into a motionless time zone. I braved crossing puddles of sea water to live among the seagulls and had to recross again to return to my car. We couldn't stay, because our neighbor sent her Granddaughter's boyfriend Wayne to fix our furniture. He fixed things with the greatest of ease. He knew about fixing chairs and the bottom of the kitchen table and a drawer which did not close easily. He is a Union welder by trade and is in high demand for jobs all around Volusia and Brevard Counties. His salary is $27.50 an hour and he gets full health and dental benefits. He also cooks for his girlfriend Faith who calls and tells him to bring home a gallon of milk. He says "no problem." Wow, I hope she marries him. Meantime, we have someone handy to help keep our furniture together. Mom and I really appreciate unbroken furniture. Today my favorite character Wall-ee comes out on DVD. I hope I can get it and watch it until I am tired of it. I thought the movie was cute at the movie theater. The picture today is of a shrimp boat with some green color painted along the front of the boat. I am pleased not to take a picture of an all white boat. I think some other colors makes a boat look more real. I saw Dancing with the Stars. I guess the result show will be on tonight. It will be something to look forward to watch.
At 6:03 AM,
Lew said…
Luck of the Irish. That is what it seems when it comes to your picture taking. I always click on the picture in your blog and it then opens to full screen revealing a lot of detail. Since I don't live nesr the ocean looking at your pictures is the next best thing. So this morning I clicked on your picture and it magnified to full screen. And to my amazement I saw a pelican in a vertical dive to catch a fish. The wings are bent back to give it more vertical speed. You may have been taking a picture of the boat but you also got a picture of a pelican in a full dive close to the water. I hope that he got his fish after going through all of the effort of a high dive. It is amazing that they don't get hurt when they impact the water. The boat is green and I wonder if it is from the Islands, like Jamaica or the Bahamas. Green is a popular color for boats over there. It is a shame about the bees getting killed. Especially since there is such a decline in the commercial bee hives in this country. First it was mites getting into the bees windpipes and choking them. Now it is bees abandoning their hives for no known reason. I knew a woman in San Diego who had a bunch of hives as a hobby. She would sell the honey at a ridiculously low proce just to get rid of it. She said that she started out with one hive and then someone called about a bunch of bees making a hive under the eave of their roof. She came and got the hive and took it home. Now she had two hives. And then later on another person called with a similar problem and then she had three hives. The word spread and people kept calling and her number of hives kept growing and growing. Maybe nect time your friend could call someone like the woman in Olsteen and they would come and collect the hive and they can still serve their putpose in life of producing honey. There is another side of the coin though. Since we have africanized bees in Florida, her bees in the grill could have been dangerous, in which using "the bomb" may have been a good decision. For some reason bees just don't seem to attack me or go after me. I have no problem working amongst bees. It has always been that way, except for yellow jackets (hornets). Just curious, how did your friend in Olsteen get started in the bee business? When I was in Oak Ridge, TN many years ago on a training course, one of my classmates who was a big bear of a guy from Colorado told me that he had several bee hives as a hobby. I asked him why. He said that he found it very relaxing to go out to the hives and sit in a chair and watch them. He said that he found it very relaxing. Maybe I should go into the bee business myself to make some extra money from the honey. Of course I would give you and your mom a discount. Have an enjoyable cool day. Open the windows and let the breeze blow through the house. My mom did this every spreing when she did her spring cleaning. She referred to it as opening up the house after it had been closed up all winter. She did it in early spring while the breeze was still cool and crisp. Spring cleaning was such an all-day chore for her. In retrospect I wish that I had helped her more because she worked so very hard with a full-time job and the housework. Once again, enjoy the day. Lew
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