It is Veteran's day
Veteran's day means television will be dominated by war pictures. The banks and post office will be closed. A few restaurants like Golden Corral will be offering specials for Veterans. Yesterday was a pretty nice day as far as the weather was concerned. It was a little on the cool side, but the sky was so blue and there was a full moon high in the sky before dark. It was just a white image perched well over the South bridge like the Osprey perch high on a power line looking down to see what moves. The moon was soft and white in color without the glowing light you would normally see after dark. Yesterday there were hibiscus in bloom with both deep red and peachy orange outside my front door. It was a colorful sight to see when we arrive home or just when we stepped outside our front door. The picture here is a couple of pelican buddies on a quest for a fish dinner under the South Bridge. They would occasionally dive into the water and scoop up the fish with their beaks. They would drift only so far when they would start to fly off returning to their perchs along the underside of the South Bridge. The two pelicans eventually parted ways with one going one direction and the other going the other direction. I don't know if they will ever meet up again. On the way home, mom went by the North entrance of the beach. I looked in the sky and saw a whole long ripple wave of a line of pelicans flying over the shoreline in formation. They very rarely break formation when flying over the ocean sky. Mom and I did not stop at the North entrance of the beach. It looked very plain and uninviting. We went home where mom cooked a baked chicken dinner and we settled in to watch Dancing with the Stars.
At 6:47 AM,
Lew said…
How lucky you are to live not only in Florida but on the ocean as well. You have described numerous sights that people in New York city, Minnessota, Kentucky,....etc. don't get to see. While you gaze out over the ocean, they are standing knee deep in snow. I have seen your pictures of the red hibiscus and it does have a deep ruby red color. I don't ever remember seeing a picture of the peach hibiscus. Our bromeliad is doing great and putting out a lot of flowers. Plus my marigolds are still hanging in there. I am taking your mothers advice and watering them at least every other day. Have a nice day.
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