A new adventure
The country has a new President Elect. His name is Barack Obama. He is a young African/American Senator from Illinois with a wife, two young daughters and a puppy ready to move into the White house in January. I saw Oprah Winfrey in the front row with her boyfriend Stedmon at the acceptance speech. I must have fallen asleep during the speech because it was well after midnight. Mom said this was to signify a new day. This means that Sarah Palin goes back to being Governor of Alaska and dealing with Trooper Gate. I have a feeling this issue won't go away until she states her position on why she made the choices she did. John McCain made the most gracious defeat speech I have ever heard. He thanked everyone who supported him and was willing to go back and be a servant of the people as a Senator. He did not understand why the election went the way it did, but he was accepting of fact the American people had chosen their point of view. The speech wasn't long , but the music was dynamic worthy of a couple of Mavericks which gave a good try at the run for President. The rest of the country understood what John McCain failed to grasp. It was the state of the Economy. The lack of security of Jobs. It is not only to get a job, but to keep the job for years to come. Plus, having a health care package which your job helps you to afford. If John McCain had grasp this concept he would have stood a better chance at being elected. Barack spoke my language as well as millions of other people. Money in the pockets of ordinary people speak very loudly. The trickle down economics of the Reagan years is a total failure. It does not work. The money doesn't dribble down to the working class. It either stays with the wealthy or gets shipped overseas. I am hoping Barack can stay focused and find ways to deal with undoing the money situation our current President will pass on to us. Meanwhile, the local races turned out the way I had hoped. Suzanne Kosmos defeated Tom Feeney and Ben Johnson got re elected as Sheriff of Volusia County. Jerry Demmings got elected as Sheriff of Orange County. The current Sheriff of Orange County Kevin Berry will be moving on to the private sector. He will also be able to spend more time with his family. Kevin Berry had a colorful past, but leaves the office to someone very capable to carrying on law enforcement to the highest quality possible. I made little pop in the oven tart dishes. These were little tart shells lined with cheddar cheese and white Amish cheese and a little onion cooked for about five minutes and topped with some roast beef. Plus smothered with mustard. I also made my own version of pigs in a blanket. The main ingredients were Pillsbury frozen Croissant rolls and Beef Ballpark franks. I rolled the hot dogs in the Croissant dough and cut them into slices. I baked them in the oven until the little mini rolls were golden brown and the dogs sizzled in the heat. There were lots more made than the six dollar pre made Cohen dogs. Plus, the taste was the same as I remembered the Cohen dogs to taste. I drank a little more coffee to get my mind thinking. It is the day after the election filled with new possibilities. I hope there are many more positive days ahead.
At 5:59 AM,
Blueherun said…
A sigh of relief as democracy is still alive and well in the U.S.!
I also thought John McCain gave a good speech. He is a good senator working with both sides of the aisle to help Americans ,many times over the years. Unfortunately, he got straddled with and inept president of his own party and Barrack showed together we can make a difference to getting our country back on track.
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