turkey talk

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Political puddles

Yesterday, my last day as a political phone person was to call people in the Deltona area to remind them to get out and vote. These were people I never met or will probably never meet in my life. Most of the people I called were not home and had answering machines take their calls which I did not leave a message. I did talk to a couple of people who would vote on Tuesday. After my session was over, I walked out the door and felt free. The bonds of commitment were gone and what do I do? I go home and raid the refrigerator for leftovers. The picture here is of our local library where early voting is taking place. Last night was the last night for early voting. As you can see in the picture, the place was littered with political signs from both the Democrats and the Republicans. The trip to the library was our latest adventure before the sun went down. Mom wanted to see if any long lines were still there at the library. The lines were gone, but lots of people were still there. Mom encouraged me to get my camera out and take some pictures. She wanted me to get the one of the giant O'BAMA sign on the side of the SUV. I grab my camera leaving the camera case in the car. I place the carrying strap around my neck and walked across the parking lot to see several good camera shots. I got one of the giant O'BAMA sign and the VW car which had all sorts of signs on top and on the back of the car. Shortly after I got my pictures an argument broke out between two poll workers and someone I found out later was a McCain supporter. She was a short lady with long bleach blond hair and wearing a red cap which had the McCain emblem on it. The poll workers were scolding her and telling her to stay behind the lines. They threatened her with calling the cops to have her taken away. Both mom and I looked at each other and knew this was serious business. She mildly seemed to disagree with them as authoritative figures. She had my sympathy until she turned around and gave mom and I the stare. This was my first glance at her McCain hat which really stood out at that point in time. I was a little afraid she was going to rip the camera right off my neck. She soon went on her way. Mom and I went back to the car with mom stating she knew this gal was crazy. We got back into the truck and went home to a dinner of corn on the cob and spinach. Both were real good. There were more political ads and political shows on television. I just want it to be over. I want to go back to enjoying the pelicans,seagulls, and sandpipers. I want to see boats traveling on the water. I want to see pelicans traveling the wind currents. I want to hear seagulls begging for food. I also want the fishermen to catch all the fish they can hold. The simple things in life like family, environment and friends when they aren't too busy. Those are the treasures which hold no price.


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