Waiting for the Hotdogs
Bratwurst, what a dish to make for a fundraiser lunch in. My mom has the ideal bake beans to go with the meal. She also made oatmeal cookies which should be a crowd pleasure. I had a tough time trying to pick out a picture to go with today's writing. I first had a iron skillet full of fried chicken. The chicken was a deep golden brown color and you could just imagine how well it would taste. I would have to write something like this isn't your fried chicken eating day. I also saw pictures of my two dog buddies Holly and Berry. I didn't think this was too appropriate to feature them as the star attraction when I am going to devour some hot dogs for lunch. This is a picture of a guy tackling a ruff surf. I guess you could say" he was hot dogging it. " It will be nice to see Lillian spending her last moments in time as a single person. She will be taking the plunge next year April 5Th. to Aaron. She and her parents will be moving to Delaware after the wedding. They will be leaving hot muggy Florida behind. They also will have less worries about hurricanes than staying here. Lillian has a lot of work to do to get the wedding plans in shape for the big day. I also ran across an old picture of Lucille. Lucille has passed on, but she use to work at mom's former office. Bill Grimes, who also use to work at mom's former office was close friends with Lucille. The past is just a looking glass. It host a level of pleasant memories to stir up. However, the future is something not written in the present, but a desired perfection not yet achieved.
At 4:30 PM,
Lew said…
Iron skillets. My mom swore by them and they were her favorite type of frying pans. The food never stuck even though they were not teflon coated. I can just imagine that chicken would brown up very nicely in a cast iron skillet. The waves in your picture look so inviting but I bet that there is probably a strong undertow. I wanted to try and get to the beach but just kept procrastinating and now the warm ocean waters may be cooling. Today Mary and I had lunch at Cicci's pizza buffet. It was quite good. I started off with a salad with bacon bits and ranch dressing all tossed together. I don't usually eat ranch dressing but in this salad it was good. Pizza? Barbque pizza, my favorite. I know that barbeque pizza sounds a little strange but to a barbeque fanatic like myself, it is quite good. Finished up with some apple crumb pizza and a cinnamon bun with icing. A big meal, but good. I think Lillian will like it up north because she is moving up there in the spring time with all of the flowers and fresh green grass. Then comes summer which for a Floridian like herself will be a piece-of-cake for her. Fall with the change of seasons. And then the hammer falls. Old man winter with the intense cold, snow, and sniffly noses. Gotta go. Have a good day. Lew
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