New day for new adventures
This is a picture of my friend Dee and her new dog patches. She is very proud of her new dog and companion. He is also a good watch dog for her. I tried to get the latest moon shot from last night, but I soon discovered the picture had no substance. It had a light which was it. When I took the shot last night, I thought I could get more into the picture. I had a Norfolk Pine swaying in the breeze underneath the moon. I thought I had the tip of the Norfolk Pine and the moon together. I just had a white circle against a black sky. This wasn't anything really to write about. Mom was also telling me that she thought it was the prettiest night of the year because of the moon. Sometimes the pictures just don't turn out the way we want them. Dinner was baked chicken with a baked potato and a salad. I also overindulged in the sugar free cookies. Today is a new day for new stuff to happen. The final debate between Obama and McCain occurs tonight. I will hear more stuff about Casey Anthony being charged for first degree murder of her daughter Cay lee. Dancing with the Stars is over this week and Rocco the Chef was the one to leave. Cloris Leachman was spared this time around. As the show was ending, Rocco got one of the judges named Bruno to show him how to shake his hips.
At 4:34 AM,
Lew said…
I also had a dog that looked exactly like the one that your friend Dee has. I raised it from a puppy when I was in Arizona. This breed of dogs has a very good temeprant. Always very affectionate and can be protective also. She was a good dog. I also tried taking pictures of the moon at night. This was two nights ago and all I got was a bright white spot also. I am going to try again in the early evening at dusk while the sky is partially lit and I think that will work better. Your earlier pictures were taken around that time and I could see detail in the moon. Good luck on your astrophotography. Sounds like a fancy name but that is what it is called when you photograph the moon and stars. Supper last night was chicken croquettes and macaroni salad. Lunch yesterday was fish leftover from Captain D's. They give a lot of food there. But today for lunch it is prime ribe with baked potato and all the trimmings. Today we are going on the Rivership Romance lunch cruise on Lake Monroe and the St. Johns river. Mary gets to go for free because of her birthday. I have to pay. I am not sure what is for supper tonight but hopefully it will be something light after such a big lunch. Have a good day matey (going on a boat trip) and raise the pirate flag. Lew
At 4:35 AM,
Lew said…
misspelling. I meant to say This breed of dogs has a very good "temperament".
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