What is the weather up to now?
One part of the day the sun is trying to come out, so I hang up a load of clothes on the clothes line. The next part of the day there is a big dark storm. I rush out to the clothes line to take the clothes in. I quickly grabbed them unfolded and toss the clothes into the basket. I figured I could save time and fold them indoors. Once inside the house with the clothes basket the sun starts coming out and the rain clouds go away.
This is a view of people traffic on the beach from the back of Chases on the Beach. The restaurant was a fun time for me. I did enjoy getting out and having someone else cook. Plus, no dishes to clean after eating lunch. Mom and I go into Orlando tomorrow to have our teeth cleaned. We also get to meet a friend for lunch. Finding a lunch spot should be a interesting challenge.
At 6:47 AM,
Lew said…
Both people in the photo may not know it but they are making memories right now which they will remember in a later time in their life. The girl with a pleasant and peaceful leisurely stroll on the beach. When she has stessful times later in life (we all do) her memory of these strolls will bring to mind more pleasant times. As for the surfer, this is a time in his life when he is in the best shape of his life. There was a time I weighed 130, thought that I was invincible, and that it would last forever. Oh, to be young again. But I have my memories to comfort me as these two young people will also when father time catches up with them. As for the laundry, just consider the rain as a second rinse to your clothes. Years ago we had the same problem in Miami with rain and clothes on the clothesline. It caused a lot of frustration and aggravation and so we got a clothes dryer and that was the end of the problem. The clothes line was still in the backyard but just sat there unused and forgotten about. Well, today is a stay-at-home day. I foolishly went to Wal-Mart yesterday and fought the crowds. I like to go shopping on week-days when there aren't so many people in line at the register. Plus I can also park closer to the stores. Good luck on your teeth cleanings. I always find it very painful As for lunch, I know where you won't be going, Sonny's barbeque on Colonial. It is closed. Mary and I were going to go to Steak and Ale on Tuesday but have decided to go on the boat cruise on Monday and have prime rib instead. The boat is in Sanford which is a long ways and so I filled my gas tank yesterday. Well, actually I didn't fill it all the way. I put in $40 worth and it was almost full. I found out that the tank is an 18 gallon tank. The air conditioning compressor is making a knocking noise and I am just hoping that it holds out until the cool weather and then I will just have it repaired before the summer heat of next year. We have missed some good events because I had forgotten about them. Like missing the artists The Highwaymen having their annual exhibition at the History Museum. I was really disappointed on missing that because it is only once a year. I like their paintings because they are so colorful and are Florida scenes. The story of their history is just as colorful. Barbara has one of their paintings. I sometimes look at pictures of their paintings on the internet. So I have created a monthly calendar and put the events of interest on it so that I won't miss any more. Keeps Mary and I busy going to all of these things but they are interesting. Have a cool day. Actually, turn the AC down and have a chilly day. The coffee will taste better if the air is chilly. Take care, Lew
At 7:07 AM,
Lew said…
Correction! We are going on the boat cruise on Wednesday, not Monday. Stay cool. Lew
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