Views from home
This is a picture taken from the back door of my porch on the side of the house. It kind of lets you know how stormy the weather was. There were lots of lighting and the sky did lighten up around sunset. The weather towards the sea had turned real black and the sky was a greenish yellow with some sunlight and shades of pink towards the sunset. I wished I could have gone out and experience the changes in the sky, but I did not want to mess with the lightening. There was a tornado warning up in Daytona moving towards Flaglier County. The TV news people had pictures of lightening cracking and power poles sparking. They showed pounding rain and then they said the weather was moving out over the sea. They also said there would be a repeat performance for this weekend. I saw the story on the TV news about the dolphin who jumped in the boat with some boaters in New Smyrna. The boaters were slightly ruffed up, but not seriously damaged. The dolphin slid back into the water and disappeared. Mom had mostly financial news on which I didn't find too interesting. I know this is important, but I would have liked some entertainment. I missed the series where the guy goes back in time to 1973. I thought the show had some good prospects at least for a short time. I also have been getting into the old movies on Turner Classic Movies. I saw an old Katherine Hepburn movie either yesterday or the day before where she is playing multiple characters, but in love with one guy. She tries to over impress this guy and he soon finds out she is just one person who loves him. He turns out to love her and they live happily ever after. I also saw a old Judy Garland which was kind of similar and she lives happily ever after. This is the dream ever girl use to have when watch old movies. I am not hearing the summer che che che anymore. I see the hedge in the backyard full of burned orange flowers that are called CapeFear Honey Suckle. I did buy me a $1.07 pair of fish color shorts at the resale shop called the Pink Door. This was the big bargin of the day.
At 7:13 AM,
Lew said…
Which do you want first, the good news or the bad news? It is often best to get the bad news out of the way. The bad news is that it rained yesterday and probably will again today. So what is the good news? The good news is that you don't have to fill the bird bath in the back yard. So inside every cloud there is a silver lining. The old classic movies are nice. My favorite is Treasure of Sierra Madre and The African Queen. Someone in the Florida Keys had bought the boat African Queen that was used in the movie. He was going to charge people to see it. I never did go see it up close which I now regret. I did see it quite well from the road as I drove by it and just like in the movie, it is small. As I understand, the steam engine still works. Stay dry and don't run around outside in the rain holding a lightning rod (umbrellas with a metal stem). Keep cool. Lew
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