Friday comes too soon

I picked this picture because of the different colors. This looks like my sister's kitchen table with ripening tomatoes and a green bell pepper. There is a green Lateran and a black flashlight. I am just assuming it maybe sometime in the fall. Mainly those two items didn't come out unless there was a hurricane. Speaking of hurricanes, this is the last year to use our little hand held TV sets which cost like forty dollars each. I got one for mom and I as well as my sister. They haven't come out with a high definition version yet, but I heard this version is on the way. The two new little horses Gator and Velvet are very sweet in personality. I like Gator's Winnie cry. He sounds like a little distant creator like a squirrel making a funny noise. He is quite expressive for a male horse. He lets you know how he feels. Velvet is the leader of the pack. She still has a bit of runny nose. Glendon wants them in top shape so they can meet Tumbleweed or Rosie. The baby horses long for a mother figure which either Tumbleweed or Rosie could fit well. Glendon's riding student Mark came out and rode Rosie. He does quite well for a beginner. It helps to have a liking for riding horses which he does. Glendon's alarm clock just sounded off. It has an annoying cry. I like mine so much better because mine sounds like crickets chirping.
At 7:01 AM,
Lew said…
Why is the alarm clock sounding so early. It must be 4:00 am. When I spent some time on a farm during summer vacation from college, they got up just before dawn for breakfast and didn't stop until the sun went down. This was in Pennsylvania where the sun stays up longer in the summer than in the south. It made for a very long day of cleaning stalls and raking cut hay by hand with pitch forks. An entire large field of cut hay. Making that same side to side motion for hours on end. I kept using the same shoulder muscles over and over again until they ached beyond imagination. Sort of like the pain from torture in the Hanoi Hilton during the Vietnam war era. Well, that may be a little bit of an exaggeration but not a whole lot. The next morning it was up before dawn and the same activities were repeated again and again. Have a good day. Lew
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