More thoughts regarding The Founder's day celebration
This is a picture of the Founder's day Celebration for New Smyrna Beach which mom and I attended on Saturday. It was hosted by the Southeast Volusia Historical Society and the featured Professor of the settling of New Smyrna Beach is in the picture. What I can add which is nothing to do with historical value is they were selling 2 dollar hamburgers and they were also selling smoked mullet, but I forgot how much the price was listed. There was a big giant dog on a leash with an owner I believed to be over six feet tall. I wondered if the dog wasn't a Mastiff breed. The owner and the dog seemed well matched to each other. Speaking of matches, I also saw two little blond girls wearing similar pink dress to almost look like twins. Everywhere I seemed to be several people would walk by with cameras more fancy than mine. I am talking about the ones with the big long extended lens and shutter lids on the end of the extended lens. I was the only one to seem the most aggressive about taking pictures. I was glared at by one of the dressed up soldiers in yesterday's picture. I could tell in his eyes I was views as a cheap paparazzi type." How dare you take a picture of the speaker while he is talking." I could just read it in the soldier's thoughts. Yesterday, mom went to Publix and I stayed home to take the clothes off the clothes line. We cooked a Sirloin steak on the grill along with a couple of baked potatoes and a sweet potato. Dinner turned out pretty good and there is leftover steak for sandwiches today.
At 7:19 AM,
Lew said…
That is a pretty cheap price for a hamburger at events like this. I can only use events like the art festival in Mt. Dora for an example. All of the sandwiches were the same price, $ 7.00. and a bottle of soda was $ 2.50. I felt like I was being gouged. However, I would have liked to try the smoked mullet that you mention. I have never had it and it would have neen a new experience. After all, I do watch the Andrew Zimmern show Bizarre Foods.
Those people with the fancy cameras were probably professionals. Plus their fancy cameras use 35 mm film which costs money for the film and also development. Your camera is digital and the pictures are free. They can shoot 24 pictures on a roll of flim before having to change the film. Your camera can shoot over a hundred pictures before downloading. If their picture is too light or too dark there isn't anything that they can do about it. Your digital pictures can be lightened or dakened on the computer. Plus you can increase and decrease the contrast, zoom in on a particular part of the picture and have fun changing the colors. All in all, I would say that your camera is really better than theirs. Plus it seems to take really great pictures of the beach.
It was barbeque ribs for supper last night. They were cooked in a slow cooker until the meat was so tender, it was just falling off the bone. Along with lots of Kraft barbeque sauce it was really good. Had a baked potato to go along with it and cherry vanilla ice cream for dessert. Did your mom cook your steak on a charcoal grill or a barbeque grill? I haven't used charcoal in a very long time. It is too hard to control the temperature with charcoal. I use to use something called a Hibachi when I cooked with charcoal. It was small and made from cast iron. If the steak doesn't turn out right just take it to the seashore and feed it to the sharks. I heard that there was another shark attack at New Smyrna which sets a new record according to the news report. The weather is getting cooler. More like the kind of weather where I like to get out and do things. Especially once it drops down into the 70's which should occur in early November. But I always factor in the price of gas before going to see an out of town attraction because the gas is a very real expense to be taken into consideration. If the admission price of the attraction is $ 5 per person but the gas costs $ 30 round trip then the actual cost is $ 40 not $ 10.
I would also like to do some volunteer work but I haven't figured out just what to do yet. Any ideas? Have a good day and enjoy each day to its utmost. Lew
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