Friday is movie day
It's Friday and the new movie "Nights in Rodanthe" opens up today at the local movie theatre. The movie stars Richard Gere and Diane Lane. It is a romance and I should find it interesting. I like Richard Gere. He is handsome as a leading man. I liked his movies "Pretty Woman" and " Shall we dance." He is also suave and easy going with the leading ladies. Could the kid in this picture be the next Richard Gere? Right now to me he looks like the next Alfalfa from "Our Gang" in the 21 Century. I liked Diane Lane from the movie "Tuscany under the Sun." I was just sorry the Italian guy cheated on her in the movie. They seemed to make such a nice couple. The "Nights in Rodanthe" movie is the first in a while, because not too many good movies are being produced lately. The last ones I have seen seemed to me second rate. I like a good plot with a good story line and good ending. I hope this movie will live up to my expectations.
At 7:00 AM,
Lew said…
Did you ever see Richard Gere in the movie Chicago which was suppose to have been a musical. I went to see Street Gangs of New York instead which I didn't care for at all. I couldn't see Richard Gere doing a musical. Of course this was about 6 years ago. I believe that Richard Gere was married to Cindy Crawford the model for a while but it didn't last. The best part of the movie Pretty Woman was the song Pretty Woman sung by Roy Orbison. Tomorrow Mary and I are going to the Orlando Science museum to see the movie Stormchasers in their cinedrome on the huge screen which surrounds the audience. It should be pretty neat watching huge tornados on this type of screen sweep by us. It is free for us and doesn't cost anything because we are members of the science museum. They also have an exhibit of the art of Norman Rockwell which I would like to see also. They have taken some of the pictures and created lifesize dioramas of the pictures. The cool weather is finally here. At least in the morning and evening. I am enjoying it. It is true that the quality movies are saved for summer and Christmas time. When we went to the movie on Tuesday there were very few people in the theater. It really didn't seem to have been worthwhile financially to show the movie for that few people. We will eat supper out somewhere after the museum but I am not sure where yet. As for selecting movies, I usually like action movies. I will also weigh heavily who the actors are. Many times it will be the presence of a good actor that will tip the scales as to which movie I will go see when I am indecisive about choosing between two movies. Tonight it is chili and cornbread for supper. With lots of butter on the cornbread. Actually, the cornbread will probably be dripping butter. So much so that I will have to wash my hands after supper because my fingers will be all buttery. Actually I am exagerrating a bit, or possible a whole lot. But I do have a tendency to go a little heavy on the butter to offset the dryness of the corn bread. Other than Pretty Woman, the movies that you mention I have not seen. But that's alright. When I watch the Oscars I haven't seen any of them also. That is probably because Syvester Stallone type movies usually don't win Academy Awards. I do want to check out Schindler's list from the library (free) and watch. I am sure that the performance by Liam Neeson will be great. I just recently watched Saving Private Ryan again for the thrid time and it was still good. Be cool. Lew
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