View of ocean life
There was quite a wind churning up of the sea yesterday. It was more like an ocean than a Lake Atlantic. There wasn't any runners on the beach until we were ready to leave. One guy kept a slow trot back and forth within view. Mom wore her green jacket and I didn't wear any jacket. I enjoyed all the wind blowing on me. I enjoyed the water creeping close to the stairs where you walk down to the beach. I enjoyed the big fuzzy foam that was like soap suds in texture with a touch of brown color building next to the stairway. The stairs leading to the beach were wet and slippery but inviting. I did not go down, but if I did I would descent sideways to avoid slipping. There was a girl down on the beach in a pink two piece bathing suit who was getting her legs all covered with the brownish suds. She was a young pre-teen who was just having a ball challenging the wind and the waves. I caught her in several camera poses facing the ocean as a sole lioness defending her cubs on the beach against the big bad waves of the sea. She seemed to be a natural for the camera. Mom caught her in a slight bending position next to a empty trash barrel post mounded on the shoreline. As I opened my refrigerator door this morning, I realized I forgot to take the leftover pancakes mom had cooked up over the weekend. It was going to be bird food. However, it was way too windy yesterday for a bird to stay still out in the open. The seagulls were flying around, but they did not want to be on the shoreline. Only the sandpiper birds were brave enough to endure the windy weather. The pelicans flew overhead in uniform formation. They were almost like military birds. It is quite rare one would fly overhead alone. The pelicans seemed to be one of the hardest birds to capture on film. This was due to the speed they would fly overhead. I would look at the pelicans from a distance and think I had time, but before I realized how fast they were coming, it was over. The birds were over my head and down so far, I could not get a good camera shot. I was disappointed thinking, the pelican to me seemed one of the most graceful birds soaring in flight. I also missed having my camera available when mom and I went to the North entrance where there was a High School track meet on the shoreline between three local schools. Two were from Daytona Beach. One was Sea breeze and the other Mainland. The colors of their running clothes were red for Sea breeze and blue for Mainland. The third school was the local New Smyrna Beach High School with colors of yellow and black. Mom and I first saw girls jogging, but they seemed to go away and all that was left were the guys. The young high school guys were skinny, bony and not too tall. They were kind of geeky looking with maybe one that looked like the cool dude. Mom and I did not see any one on one races, but we did see they guys jogging down the shoreline in groups. This was an event the television crews missed. Gustavo Almadovar who covered the washing away of the shoreline by the hurricane which brushed up the coastline not too long ago would have made an interesting story out of the track meet.
At 6:45 AM,
Lew said…
Wow! Choppy waves. Rough surf. I think that this is the biggest surf that I have seen in any of your pictures to date. Did they have any flags up warning swimmers not to go into the water? The bigger the waves, the stronger the undertow. In California, the waves of the Pacific ocean were always large and the undertow was always strong. It pulled at your legs. One of my biggest fears was that I might fall in the water because then the undertow would have me and off I would fo out to sea. But the water was always so cold because of the Japanese current coming along the coast from Alaska southward that I rarely went into the water. And did I ever tell you about the trouble the pelicans gave me when I was fishing near shore in Miami? I would cast my line out with a big chunk of bait on it. The pelicans would see it and dive for it. I would have to rapidly reel in my line so they wouldn'y get the bait and the hook contained within the bait. My boat driver told me that it was really a mess if they got the hook in their bill because they would fight so hard when attmepting to remove the hook and they were so big and powerful. I was lucky that it never happened. But there was more than one occassion when I would have to give up on the fishing because the pelicans just wouldn't go away. It was nice and cool yesterday morning and again this morning. Nice weather. Have a nice day. Lew
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