Biting Bugs at Publix
I was attacked by no-seeums. Mom had to stop at Publix on the way home from one of our sight excursions. She had gone into the store and I was going to wait for her in the car. She had parked the car under a light post which added to the problem, because the little bugs like the light. They liked biting me more. I was a victim. I was like the girl in the Jaw's movie. Instead of fighting off a killer shark, I was slapping and itching and running the air conditioning in the car just to get rid of the bugs. It didn't work. I made a beeline into the store with my itchy skin looking for my mom. She was caught somewhere deep within the store. I didn't want to move from the front of the store so I wouldn't miss her coming out. I thought she was just going for one item, a can of mushroom soup. However, the length of time she was in the store told me this wasn't true. The stinging itch was dying down a bit so I made my way back to the car and fired up the air conditioning again. It got to a nice temperature inside and the amount of bugs seemed to die down . I was ok until she showed up with the groceries. She got in and we came home. I had forgotten by the time we got here the stinging feeling and I was ok for the night. This is a picture of our local Publix which when we get lots of rain the parking lot turns into Lake Publix. A whole pre-package of fried chicken cost over 7 dollars. I wondered if the frozen banquet fried chicken is any better price wise? Frozen might be the way to go until things get a bit cheaper.
At 6:12 AM,
Lew said…
Chicken is suppose to be one of the cheaper meats. In the past I have had the banquet frozen chicken and I found it to be quite good and taste just like Kentucky fried chicken. Chop up some cabbage, pour some Mazelli's cole slaw dressing over it with just a sprinkle of sugar and you have a great side to the Banquet fried chicken. (Mazelli's is the best cole slaw dressing.) Have some dinner rolls heated in the oven and you have a meal fit for a king or queen. And don't forget the mashed poptato with gravy. Are you getting hungry yet? I am. Have a nice day and enjoy any left-over chicken for lunch today. Lew
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