Full Of Possibilities
Will the atom smashing scientist ever understand that the secret to advancement in the human race is working together in applied sciences? The mind boggling idea of an atom smasher costing 10 million when this same money could feed, cloth and teach people to maintain farm lands in Africa. This same money could stop the jobless feature in the United States which grows like wildfire. It could place a big dent into the crime rate committed by teenagers who stop believing in the future of America. It could help find alternative fuels for the cars to run around. It could also help pay for a decent space station orbiting the earth. It could also be used towards research in finding cures to Aids,Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis,Muscular Dystrophy and Parkinson Disease. How many houses in the local neighborhoods are lined with solar panels? Compare it to how many Satellite dishes or Direct TV dishes are there in the same neighborhoods? What I can see the solar panels are few. I see Hybrids, but no solar cars on the roads. Solar really hasn't caught on yet.
At 6:50 AM,
Lew said…
During the great depression the Rockefeller foundation funded the construction of the Mt. Palomar telescope. Millions and millions were spent on the construction. Not that many people were employed in the construction. At the time many people felt that the money could have been better spent. Instead of building an expensive telescope, it would have been better to have put food into the bellies of the hungry. It was a case of bad timing on the part of the foundation. Just thought that I would mention this in support of your views. Lew
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