turkey talk

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Inspiring thoughts

I can't believe it has been raining this morning before dawn. I can hear the rain hitting the ground outside like wet slaps of water against a hard sidewalk. This is a what comes before the change in the temperature and the texture of the quality of outside air. This is not just outside air, it is seaside outside air. This is the kind of air you ingest deep in the lungs and have an overwhelming feel of reflection. The reflection of the soul which allows you to see where you are going and where you have been. It is the reflection which places your life events into perfect order and gives you direction to a clear goaled future. It is also a place where your angers and frustrations melt away into a loss from memory. This is the type of air which needs to be bottled and released among the politicians in Washington. How much more of a clearer perspective they would provide if the stale ways of thinking were wiped away. I also would have thought this for my former job. I had four walls and an air conditioning unit which worked well, but wasn't fresh air. It was more like recycled air. How much clearer I would have thought with some bottled up sea air circulating in my former office? I feel privilege living close to the ocean where many writers gather loads of inspiration through reflection of past events and ideas of a future shaped the way they invision it.


  • At 6:20 AM, Blogger Lew said…

    Hemingway lived near the ocean. He lived in Key West. Maybe that is what gave him the inspiration for The Old Man and The Sea. I have seen his house. On the grounds there are a bunch of cats. Not ordinary cats. These cats have six toes on each foot instead of five. Although they are running loose they don't seem to overpopulate. I have heard that this is due to people swiping them as souvenirs and also the privilege of owning a cat with six toes. I saw an x-ray of a teen-age girl with six fingers on each hand. All six fingers were perfectly formed and completely functional. Can you imagine how well she would have been able to play the piano with all six fingers going? However, for cosmetic reasons, one finger was removed from each hand so that she would look normal. Have a nice day. Stay in your air conditioned house and read about Steve Irwin. See is you can learn to speak with an Australian accent. If you have trouble learning just watch the Crocodile Dundee movies starring Paul Hogan. G'day. Lew


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