The Summer season is gone, but not the weather
On the first day of Fall, I have another load of laundry and it is garbage day. The weather has been in 80's the last couple of days as the high reading. I don't know what the low reading has been. I just hadn't paid close attention to the weather. I did see a picture of another potential storm on the weather map. It just hasn't been my top interest. I did take my library books back. Mom switched users on a book I was taking back called "Steve and me" to her library account. She checked out the book. The book is about the life of Steve Irwin written by his wife Terri. I had wanted to read the book, but I never got to it. I always had another book I was reading at the time. I hopefully can finish the Peter Falk book which I had stopped on page 251 when I turned it in. I was sorry I didn't finish it before but now I can. I also checked out a book on young Teddy Roosevelt riding horses. I thought it looked somewhat interesting. Mom said this may be my only trip out today and I said" no." I didn't want my day to end on a low note. However, the time we ate dinner the storm clouds had build around the New Smyrna Coastline, so we were tucked in at home for the night. Mom made chuck roast for dinner. It was very tasty. I liked the meat with the cooked onion which I put ketchup on top. I liked the cooked potatoes and carrots. I like the gravy which is placed on top of the potatoes and carrots and maybe even the meat. There are leftovers which will make nice lunch items plus the leftovers from Saturday's Chicken Cacciatore. Saturday's meal also turned out pretty good, but wasn't done exactly by the recipe. It was close to the recipe. I did add a bell pepper along with the cooked celery. The chicken was not deboned. I also would have put more garlic salt on the chicken as I was frying it in olive oil. The flour I used was from Hodgen's Mill. It was almost a cornmeal texture which made a nice coding for the chicken. I also used a package spaghetti sauce verses the ketchup it called for in the recipe. I also used egg noodles; instead of, the spaghetti the recipe requires. I would like to make the Chicken Cacciatore again but not too soon. I have other things I want to try first.
At 6:07 AM,
Lew said…
I agree with you in that I like to put ketchup on the chuck roast also. I developed a love of ketchup from a childhood friend by the name of Virgil Ronk. Wouldn't it be amusing if he were to read this blog comment. He probably never realized what an influence he made on my life one day. Virgil was poor. He came over to my house one day (he lived nearby) eating a sandwich. I asked what kind of sandwich he was eating. He said that it was a ketchup sandwich. Just two slices of bread with nothing more than ketchup in between. I gave a hearty laugh because I thought that a ketchup sandwich was just plain silly and told him so. He asked me if I wanted to try a bite, so I did. It was great. I was amazed at how something so simple as a ketchup sandwich could taste so good. Ever since then, me and the ketchup bottle have been lifelong friends. Another thing with chuck roast is to take a buttered slice of bread, fold it over, and then dunk it into the gravy. The bread just acts like a sponge and the juices just soak up into it. Delicious. I especially like the "cook in the bag" pot roast. It comes with an oven safe plastic bag and a packet of seasonings. Pour the seasonings on top of the pot roast, cram it and all the vegetables that will fit into the bag, roast, and enjoy. The seasonings are great. Dry onion soup mix can accomplish the same thing. So pass the ketchup and have a good day. Lew
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