Sunday last day of the weekend
Mom and I didn't get to see the ocean until well after 7 last night. There were storm clouds around and not much of an exciting sunset. I didn't even take my camera because it was so late. I did soak up the wind blowing at us from the East. Mom and I were on the South Entrance on 27 avenue. I did see like a hawk bird flying around on the wind currents. It could have been an Osprey, but I thought the Osprey bird was more black and White. This bird did not show the black part. I knew it wasn't a Seagull. It didn't have the long slender body of a Seagull. It also didn't have the crying sounds of a Seagull. I also saw a pelican make low dips towards the waves without touching the water. The water sounded like someone had left the faucet running and there would be a big giant water bill waiting out there for someone to pay. The wind by the ocean got a cool tone in the breeze. It was a sign of fall. However, when mom and I went home the coolness was left at the beach. It was back to being warm. I figured living further back from the ocean, the condo's, hotels and other housing structures block the cool ocean wind.
At 6:51 AM,
Lew said…
With the choppy water and waves, I bet that the surfer in the water in the picture is as happy as a clam at high tide. Thanks to our good friend Lillian sending us a notice of the going-out-of-business sale at Waldenbooks at West Oaks mall, Mary and I are going there this morning to see what good buys we can get. While at the mall we are going to go to Auntie Anne's pretzels and get some get some cinnamon pretzels for which we have a coupon. Is your butterfly plant still blooming? Have a cooler day. Lew
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