The wind is whipping around outside
Four walls and an air conditioning unit seems pretty nice right now. I did hear rain drops a bit earlier. I know the clothes on the line got wet. Hopefully the sun will come out a bit later and all the clothes will dry. The wind is really blowing outside. I can hear the I don't know what to call it outside sound like a sputtering plane. I can not believe how fast the time goes when I am involved with a Sarah Palin video by Jib Jab. I had to make sure it played through to the end of the song. Have you made up your mind on how you will vote? I hope it will be an easy voting ballad.
At 1:21 PM,
Lew said…
It has been a very breezy day here in Orlando. It is just beautiful outside but I don't really feel quite up to snuff with the cold. However, I do feel a lot better than I did this morning. I just spent the day sitting around and enjoying my misery from my cold. But alas, the cold too shall pass. Do you remember spring cleaning as a child? There would be a particular week-end in the spring time when my mom would open all of the windows and doors in the house for the entire day and just let the fresh cool spring air blow through the house. On this weekend she would clean the entire house from top to bottom. Did your mom do the same? Have a great day. Lew
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