What a nice Friday
I like happily ever after endings to movies. The new Richard Gere/ Diane Lane is almost a tear jerker because Richard Gere's character dies in the end of the movie. Richard Gere makes grey hair fashionable on guys. Yesterday, before going to the movies I briefly saw a character on the soap opera " All My Children" who had grey hair. I hardly recognize him. His character's name was Tad Hunter and he was somewhat of a villain with the ladies. I had to look twice to recognize who was the character. Also, I thought he did not look good in grey hair. I guess some guys wear grey hair well while others need hair color. I liked the little part where Diane in the movie checks her hair roots for any signs of grey. She didn't see any and walked away very happy. When the movie was over my mom reassured me Richard Gere wasn't dead. He would live again in the next movie. On the way home, I saw a big hawk in some body's yard. Mom backed the car up to take a look and the hawk was gone. This is similar to when I went out to the end of the driveway in the before dawn hours to pick up a newspaper. I looked down the road and saw a big hunched back raccoon strolling across the road. He seemed bigger than a cat and slower than a possum. He had the whole street to himself where he could claim all the garbage cans he could get his paws to open. Jumping forward in time to around noon when a load of laundry was ready to be hung out on the clothesline, I got to savor the sounds of a fall like beach environment. I could hear the ch, ch, ch, of the summer beach bugs spread out in a box like fashion. I could also hear the distant sounds of the freight train heading I believe South on the tracks which run North and South. I heard three short whistles like the train was warning some drivers to stay off the tracks. It seemed like some distant musical instrument trying to work out a melody carried by the wind. I also saw buzzards making circular patterns high in the sky on small air currents. The patterns were tight as they were seeking out a dead carcass on which to feed. I also saw and heard a small plane fly overhead. When the plane left it was time to go indoors and get ready for the movie. All these events made a lovely composition for a nice afternoon. This is a picture of suds from the beach taken when the wind had stirred up the waves.
At 4:20 PM,
Lew said…
Richard Gere is good and usually plays a suave character. I like Kevin Costner also. I have seen his films multiple times. Dances with Wolves is a classic but I really like The Postman also. In your picture in the enlarge mode in the lower left corner I can see all kinds of pebbles, probably of coral rock. In the lower right hand corner there is a good sized piece of coral rock. I assume this is probably left from the beach restoration project when they pumped sand up onto the beach. The storms have probably washed the sand away, leaving the pebbles and rock behind because they are larger and heavier than grains of sand. Take care, Lew
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