A view on Casey
" Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive" famous quote. It applies to Casey Anthony who is in a heap of trouble and is barely treading water. Casey's fraud charges would keep her in jail for 65 years. The new video showing Casey buying clothing items and food with the stolen checks from her former friend will blow any chance of her request to hunt for her missing daughter. This video emerges after the news story of Casey's homicide charges coming before a Grand Jury next week. No one has ever recovered Casey's daughter Cay lee's body from where it might be located. It seems virtually impossible for Casey to get a fair trial in Orange County or anyplace near Orange County. This story has been featured on The Nancy Grace Show and The Dr. Phil Show. Her trial would have to be moved to either a place in the Panhandle like Pensacola or way down South passed Miami towards the Keys to stand a chance of a pure uncorrupted jury. It blows my mind how Casey could lack such emotion concerning the disappearance of her daughter. How do you hold on to your composer when you don't know if your daughter is alive or not? The audio from her former boyfriend where Casey refers to her daughter as " do you want me to bring the little snot nose" does not help her defense. It shows Cay lee on the low important scale of Casey's life. I also wonder how the parents of Casey could hold their composer together. Why would they not be demanding on Casey to explain everything she knows on what happened to Cay lee? The man hours the Orange County Sheriff's department has placed towards this case. Also, the man hours of the volunteers to look for Cay lee's remains are placing a strain on everyone involved. I don't know if Cay lee will ever be recovered, but this is some kind of case made for either a TV or Screen movie.
At 7:44 AM,
Lew said…
Dang the batteries. The batteries in my camera that is. I stepped outside two mornings ago at dawn. The sky was similar to the one in your picture with all of the colors. I ran back inside to get my camera and ran back outside to get the picture. I couldn't get the camera to turn on because of dead batteries. So I missed a photo opportunity and you got the picture instead. This morning it was a very thick fog, warm, humid, and absolutely not a breath of wind. It would be nice to have that nice cool ocean breeze blowing briskly across my face. But, alas, her I am in Florida with no ocean. However, with global warming we might yet have oceanfront property here in Orlando. By the way, the pick-up truck at the right side of the picture is exactly like mine. Same color, same metal toolbox, same bed-liner, same size (short-bed), and similar model. Have a cool dry day. Keep thinking about a gentle snowfall and telling yourself that it is a little chilly. That might help with the heat. Lew
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