Lunch at Chases on the Beach
Yesterday was sunny enough for mom and I to go eat at Chases on the Beach. It did rain while we were eating, but I think we both had a good time getting out and seeing the social life. There were a couple of ladies sitting at a table across from mom and I who had their nails well groomed. One lady had a rich dark red nail polish. Neither lady looked like they would work outdoors. There were retired trending people whom you would think would go on boat cruises often. There were large young families who looked like Disney tourist. It took a while for the food to arrive. However it did so and I enjoyed every bite. Mom had a vegetable wrap which she didn't think was so good. She did not like the dough cover that was slightly burned. The vegetable were not cooked well enough. She deemed them at the raw stage. I thought it was kind of with it , but I wouldn't order this myself. I liked my Wahu fish on a kaiser roll. The Wahu was fried in a nice golden bread coding. It had onion slices and tomato slices and a tarter sauce topping. I borrowed some of mom's raw vegetables and placed it on my sandwich. The waiter was young and real helpful. He tried to get us everything we would want during the meal. We left him a nice tip. He tried to take a picture of mom and I, but it didn't turn out good so I got rid of it. I did get some good ocean shots from the back of the building.
At 6:49 AM,
Lew said…
Were you sitting outside at a table on a patio at the restaurant to eat? That is fun to do when the weather isn't so hot. It sounds like you and your mom did some people watching. It is interesting to try and figure out what their lives are like. I am always starting up casual conversations with total strangers while standing in line at the check-out or waiting in a doctors waiting room. I just simply talk to them as if I had known them all my life. 99% of the people respond nicely and we end up having a nice conversation. The other 1% who don't want to talk I just leave alone. But most people seem to engage in conversation. I am currently reading the personal stories of soldiers from World War II. These stories are much more personable than just simply books on WWII. The stories relate their day-to-day adventures. Like the line in Desidarata about everyone having their own story to tell. I guess that I am just a talker and like to share the experiences of others. I probably should have been a social worker in life. Have a nice day and stay cool. Lew
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