turkey talk

Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday's adventures begin

I got a picture today of a guy carrying a surfboard. Here was another person's picture I took after eating at Chase's On The Beach Restaurant. Mom made some really good ribs. The sauce was tangy and stuck to the ribs. It almost reminded me of the apricot sauce which is available at Smokey Bones. At least it was when I use to visit for lunch. Today, mom and I will get our teeth cleaned in Orlando. We will also meet a friend of ours for lunch at her house before going to get our teeth cleaned. She plans to bring us sandwiches from Beefy Kings. I forgot one cool aspect of Chase's restrooms. The guys are known as Dudes and have a surfer wave sign with Dudes on it hanging over the door. The girls have the sign Babes hanging over their door. I did have kind of cabin fever yesterday, because it rained on and off all day long. I stayed home and didn't travel anywhere. Today will makeup for staying in. The Sunday movies also were not too good on television. The last Political Debate between Obama and McCain doesn't come until Wednesday. Tonight will be Dancing with the Stars. I sure hope Cloris Leachman does alright. I was really pulling for her last week when the show let everyone stay. They only do this when someone withdraws from the competition. Misty, the person who withdrew will be out six months due to an ankle injury at practice. Misty was an athlete and the judges liked her dancing. Also, the Grand Jury meets in Orlando on Tuesday to discuss the Casey Anthony case to see if there is enough evidence to send her to trial for the murder of her daughter Caylee. Caylee's body was never recovered. There is body fluid samples and hair samples of Caylee according to the testing facility in Tennessee found in the trunk of Casey's car. I don't know if there is enough evidence to make a case in Court, but after the Grand Jury's investigation the result will be in the news.


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