turkey talk

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday evening at the shoreline

I made through the middle of the week. I got to see the ocean yesterday after dinner. Always a mixture of wind and waves crashing into the shoreline. Surfers dodging in and out of the wave coming into the shoreline. Families with their small children playing along the shoreline. I had a lady who was a total stranger come up to me. She took my camera and took a picture of me with my hair messed up by the wind. I also saw a green parrot named Angel. The parrot loved being on her owner's shoulder with the wind blowing at the back end. Mom and I went home and watched the final debate between Obama and McCain. Mom went all to pieces in an exasperating level of frustration that was funny to watch. " If I had an egg I would through it at the TV." I thought "Oops" protect our eggs. I have other plans such as scramble eggs or hard boil eggs. I even thought of a custard or tapioca pudding. Eggs and tomatoes are far too valuable to eat versus throwing them at the TV.


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