Simple thoughts
Today is garbage day. All the weekend trash goes out to the street for the trash man to pick up. Tomorrow I do volunteer work at the back of my mom's Democratic office for a lady named Suzanne Kosmos. She is running against a guy named Tom Feeney. This is a picture of a squirrel sitting on the pumpkin at the pumpkin sale held by the Methodist church in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. It shows how simple and fun a squirrel's life is in the outdoors. The local press has been laying off the Casey Anthony stories. I guess since nothing major is happening her story is not news worthy. Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton are suppose to be at the Amway Arena today at 6, but the parking and seating open at 3 in the afternoon. I imagine the place will be pack with people. Getting in and out plus finding a parking place would be a nightmare. Hopefully the news people will carry the story on the evening news. I guess dinner will be leftovers from the pork dinner mom and I had last evening. Oven cooking gets pretty popular when the weather gets a bit cooler.
At 6:03 AM,
Lew said…
In Miami I had a squirrel in the backyard that would climb the avocado trees and chew through the avocado stem so that it fell to the ground. Then the squirrel would descend to the ground, eat its fill of the avocado and then leave. I would find the avocados on the ground with a hole gnawed out of one side of the avocados. This squirrel must have liked his avocados fresh picked because later he would return to the tree, chew through anothe avocado stem and proceed to gnaw through the side of that one. This would continue over the course of a week until there were around a dozen avocados on the ground that had their side gnawed. Although this was very wasteful on the part of the squirrel, there was no problem since there were so many more avocados in the trees. In one of your pictures it looked as though the squirrel had been gnawing on a pumpkin and that is what brought this story to mind. Have a good day. Lew
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