Enjoying a sunset
October is almost over and November will be coming soon. This coming Friday will be Halloween and Saturday will be the First of November. Saturday would start out with All Saint's day followed by All Soul's day on Sunday. Traditionally All Saint's day was a holy day of obligation, but it is marked in red on the Catholic calendar this year as not a holy day of obligation. I guess the reasoning is that All Soul's day follows on Sunday. It would make it a double church day to have required church days next to each other. Plus, the Catholic calendar says that Standard time starts on Sunday November 2, 2008. The date November 14Th. is the schedule launch of the shuttle Endeavor. I love shuttle launches. There may not be too many left. The shuttle program is suppose to shut down in 2010. There is suppose to be a five year period where the U.S. astronaut is dependant on catching a ride with the Russians to go to the International Space Station. Five years before the U.S. has something new to take us into space flight. This picture was taken yesterday towards the evening on the North entrance of the beach facing West away from the beach. I love the color of orange which gleams in front of the evening sky. I think it is so island exotic looking that it would look good on a brochure. My neighbor Laurel got to see the Peace, Love and Rock&Roll show mom and I saw the other night. I hope she enjoyed the music and dancing. I guess I will find out either later today or tomorrow. I had a slight mishap. I accidentally spilled a gallon of paint which mom cleaned up when she got back from shopping. I took the groceries in and put them away. I also took down the rest of the clothes on the clothes line and put them away. Everything seem to work out eventually to a wonderful reflective evening. I feel so honored and privilege to see such wonderful sights. I think how this young Casey Anthony who is locked in a jail cell can never see beautiful sunsets or sunrises. She can never travel to the beach and soak up the ocean air. I think what a terrible waste of a young life. Also, Casey's daughter Caylee, I hope the things said about how she met her final hours aren't as horrible as it sounds on television. I hope for the best for others, but I enjoy the good things I can not put a price tag on. They are priceless.
At 3:25 PM,
Lew said…
This is such a pretty picture that I have added it to my photos that pop-up in rotation as my screensaver. What an honor. To have your picture become a part of my screen savers. Well, it is a start anyway, and a good one at that. Next will be the 500 piece picture puzzle. But seriously, I have seen similar style pictures on exhibition. Because of the power pole with transformer maybe try emailing it to Florida Power and Light with some sort of catchy title like "Lonely Sentinnel" in reference to the pole and transformer. They might use it in one of their in-housed newsletters. Gotta go. Crossword puzzle time. Lew
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