A reflection of the election
What gloomy rainy weather we had yesterday. Mom and I had our morning argument over going to church. I wasn't the one who wanted to go. She said she had to literally drag me there. I walked into the church and found a seat towards the back. I didn't sit at the end thinking not many people would have shown up so we would be alright. The music started on the organ and I thought "Halloween isn't over yet." It was like we had walked into a funeral pallor with the music looming in the background. We had one person on my mom's side take up the end seat and I saw the other side was still free. I thought if I had to go to the ladies restroom I wouldn't have to tread over people. I was wrong. The end side of my pew filled up with two people. Yikes, I am stuck here for an hour. There was a chorus of people in front who didn't have choir robes, but sung OK and on key. However, the first song they sung was fit for a funeral, I thought this is where to go when it is my time. I had totally forgotten it was All Souls Day. I was thinking the sermon would be something political in nature, because it was so close to the election. The priest reminded the audience which included me it was All Souls Day. This meant that all your departed relatives were remembered and kindly thought about. The priest who was originally from Ireland went into a story of when he took a sabbatical in the country near a mountain. He and thirty other priest held a mass in some old ruins of a church. This building was way old and had no roof. It just seemed to have a skeleton structure and nothing else. There was one extra priest who was the guide saying" the past was still there. " When the priest held their mass, people from the past were present to help them celebrate. This held deep meaning for the current Irish priest who runs the church mom and I attended. The way the priest describe the area, I had a mental picture of a mountain with a touch of fog and lots of green surrounding the area. I told mom I would liked to have seen pictures. Mom said maybe like the power point we encountered when attending a musical given at the Methodist church. They had a big giant movie screen and could put up words to a song on the screen. I would like to have seen pictures of Ireland done the same way. This sermon saved the church service. The rest of the day was still gloomy, but there was lots of good television. I lost my desire to see a movie with a bad rating in the local paper. According to the paper, there was nothing good playing at the local movie theater this week. Today is the day before election day. Mom said to load up on the goodies. I have a desire to eat crackers with cheese, meats, onions and maybe an olive or tomato on top. I also expressed an interest in the little chicken drumettes, patties or nuggets. I also like the little pastries with the tiny hot dogs buried inside. Maybe even a little pastry puff filled with cream cheese and a little spinach inside. Tomorrow is a celebration no matter how the election turns out. It will finally be here and it will be over. The decisions will be established and we will have our next President. The local races will also be decided. It should be a night of good television. Mom want to get a jump ahead on getting rid of the political signs in our yard. Today is trash day. Hopefully they will pick up these signs. This over sized sign in the picture will probably end up in the trash after Tuesday. Bush doesn't move out of the White house until the new President is sworn in. This should be January 20,2009 if the date is right. Bush will join the ranks of former Presidents before him. I see a library, book circuits and talk shows in his future. Plus, Texas gets their hero home to stay.
At 3:53 PM,
Lew said…
The election is almost at an end. All of the candidates must be thoroughly exhausted. Tomorrow someone will be estatically happy and the losing candidate will have a heavy heart. I will be watching the returns come in tomorrow night. After all, history is being made and we are privileged to see it as it happens. I am not sure at what time we will be seeing the actual vote results. I seem to remember that they can't release the vote counts until all of the polling places have closed and with the time difference the polling places in California won't close until three hours after the Florida polls close. That would make it late at night. Have you heard anything on that? As for the "goodie's" get Ritz crackers. They have a nice flavor to them. Some scallions with salt "cellars" would be nice also. Sweet gherkins are a nice touch too. Swiss cheese on the crackers is good but Jahrlsberg which is a stronger flavored swiss is better. In the past on occassion we would have treats while watching a particular good television program. Summer sausage is so flavorful when sliced and put on the Ritz crackers. There is always the traditional chips and sour cream onion dip. Enjoy the election results. Lew
At 3:55 PM,
Lew said…
If you don't go to church then at least wear a gold scapular medal as insurance. Lew the altar boy.
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