Stuff to do for Thursday and Friday
Tomorrow evening is suppose to be a shuttle flight. Providing all the weather conditions and mechanical conditions prove favorable NASA will launch the shuttle at 7:55 p.m. There won't be too many shuttle flights after this one. It seems another chapter of history is being buried. This picture is of just one pelican who decided to hang around to look for a fish dinner underneath the South Bridge. He seems to be doing OK by himself. Today, Publix is hosting a series of free samples this evening. The store will set up food exhibits all around different parts of the store. Mom says you can get a whole meal there. You can eat a main meal and get a small sample of wine. They usually have small samples of salad and dessert may be a small ice cream sample. Plus, there may be drawings for free stuff inside the store.
At 6:49 AM,
Lew said…
I use to go to those Publix sampling events down in Miami. You can eat an entire meal just by going around the store to the various sampling tables. It was fun and it was tasty. I like doing the same thing at the food courts at the malls. Yesterday we ate at an outdoor restaurant next to Lake Eola by the swan boats. It is fun to sit there at our table and watch people go by as we eat. We are always getting coupons via email with discounts offers from all different types of eateries. We use those coupons and offers a lot. Mary is a little under the weather today with headache, fever, and upset stomach. She thinks that she is coming down with a cold. So today will be an easy stay-at-home day. We were going to go fishing at Lake Apopka but that will be shelved until next week. Enjoy the treats at Publix. Lew
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