The weather is turning cooler
Organic verses non Organic, bleached flour verses unbleached or whole wheat flour, processed verses non-processed burgers and chicken. Organic burgers and chicken verses non Organic burgers and chicken. Does an Organic turkey really taste better than a Butterball frozen turkey? Is the meat anymore tender? I would venture to guess without looking it up that Organic is of the earth without chemical pesticides or hormones. I know some animals like chickens are given growth hormones to make a bigger more meatier chicken. Is this harmful to humans? I complained once to a potato chip company for putting MSG in their potato chips. They responded by sending five bags of chips for me to try and use. They defended the use of mono sodium glutamate as a preservative. Needless to say, I enjoyed the five bags of potato chips. My sister wants a Organic turkey for Thanksgiving. Mom agreed without any objections. I guess this will be our meal come turkey day.
At 7:39 AM,
Lew said…
I hope that the organic turkey is not going to be a homegrown organic turkey. After seeing the movie Babe about the little pig I sort of feel sorry for farm animals. Butterball is a good brand of turkey. They have always been very moist for me, particularly the white meat which is traditionally dry. Enjoy your turkey dinner and the two weeks of daily turkey sandwiches to follow. Cranberry sauce dilemma, jellied or whole? What the heck, get a can of each. Mary is going to get just a turkey breast since it will be just the two of us. When we go to the Holiday House restaurant for the Thanksgiving party we always get the lamb. When we went on the dinner/boat cruise for Mary's birthday, they didn't have prime rib on the menu. I was disappointed because that is what we always gget. So maybe this year I will get the prime rib instead of the lamb at the Thanksgiving party. Enjoy the cool weather. I am on my second cup of coffee in trying to keep warm. Lew
At 7:51 AM,
Lew said…
The pumpkins in the picture look to be rather large. The picture of the pumpkin patch reminds me of a television series about a family of "litte people" called the Rollies(?). I am not sure of the name. I also believe that the name of the show is either Small People or Little People. The show is suppose to show that these small people can do everything that regular sized people can do, only they have to do things a little diiferently to accomplish the goals. I find the show very interesting and gives me a perspective on the small people that I didn't have before, that they face similar problems as everyone. They seem to handle their trials and tribulations quite well. In one of the episodes they grew pumpkins for Halloween and when they opened their farm to the general public as a U-pick field to sell their pumpkins they had so many people show up that they had a crowd control problem in that people had to wait their turn. Good show. And your picture reminds me of it. Lew
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