turkey talk

Friday, November 14, 2008

May the shuttle launch make us feel proud to belong to the USA

Tonight at 7:55 p.m. is the shuttle launch of the Endeavor. Hopefully it will launch without any mistakes. The flame in the sky should be a neat sight to see along with the moon. The flame from the shuttle turns night into day if only for a short time. It is also cool to see the light reflected on the ocean water. Afterwards, I will be able to hear the rumble of the engines traveling in helicopter sounding waves down the coast until it reaches us and moves past us to keep traveling further down the coast until the sound finally dies out. I wonder if anyone has ever measured the distance down the coast the shuttles engine noise travels. Last night, both mom and I saw the moon rise over the ocean from the car. Mom traveled across the main road to the end of our street. We glanced at the big orange ball rising over the ocean. Mom was only able to get to the sight quickly by car. We also had to turn around and come home. We had items like fresh chicken from the local grocery store which had to be refrigerated. I learned from Lillian in Pine Hills that the only moon she saw was a pale white light in the daytime sky. She did not get to experience a big orange ball rising over the ocean sky. Instead, her life is consumed with wedding plans and details to work out for her upcoming wedding next year to Aaron. Lillian is now wearing Aaron's engagement ring. It is a shiny reminder on how she has lost her independence. Her free days are numbered. Lillian will have to pack her belongings and travel to the land of Delaware where her private stuff has a place in Aaron's basement. Lillian won't be working for a while so her spending funds will be limited. All the local restaurants Lillian use to go to like Olive Garden and Red Lobster will be a thing of the past. She will have to eat her own cooking. I called her last night when the night and weekend rates applied to the cell phone. I got to tell her that her former co worker expressed an interest in attending her wedding. I think she was thrilled with the news. Meantime, she is trying to get the stuff to make her wedding dress and set up catering for the reception.


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