Life on the beach
Finally, the temperature has dropped from 80's to 50's and maybe even as low as 45. Mom took me out this evening so I could get some ideas of what to write in my blog. We went over to the North end of the beach. I got to see Geico man riding a bicycle so fast it looked like a smudge on my camera and I tried taking his picture twice. I struck up a conversation with a guy that looked like Johnny Depp in "Pirates of the Caribbean." He looked like Captain Jack Sparrow but with a broken foreign accent. He had a Cannon camera with a extended lens taking snap shots of people on the shoreline. He also went on to the shoreline and was shooting up and down the coastline. I also discovered he took nice shots of the shuttle taking off the other night. I shared my story of my amateur shuttle video. He chuckled and showed me pictures of a bright light ascending into the sky and traveling through a layer of clouds. His camera also pulsated light like mine did as I made my video. His secret was a tripod to hold the camera steady and to be in a quiet place. Both are sound pieces of advice, but sometimes I just act on the impulse. There wasn't many birds braving the cooler weather. I also think most of them settle in someplace at night to sleep. I did see the pigeons logged in the steeple part of the park structure. They were lined up like a counsel league in a square able to pass judgement on the world below. The wind was null or non existent. There was a camera guy from Channel 13 just getting some evening shots to use on the weather reports. I miss the wind blowing on my face. It also helps stir up the waves. There were some waves, but not too many. The ocean is still nicknames Lake Atlantic for it's stillness appearance. It looks like you could take a row boat and just paddle across to the Bahamas or Cuba . The wind helps me to reflect on the day's events. I also love to see the Pelicans and Seagulls ride the air currents. It is like art work in a large fashion. What kind of statement can a Pelican or a Seagull make riding an air current? The gliding motion of the birds wings expanding so long without any effort to flap and just to glide is such freedom only shared among birds or maybe someone who is crazy about flying. The fact they feel like no man can touch them and they can glide forever is something preserved through history. As long as the birds don't go extinct.
At 5:57 PM,
Lew said…
cold, cold, cold. The heat has been turned on the central air unit. Not cold enough to snow but very nippy. In Miami once we actually had a light dusting of snow. It wasn't much and it did melt away in about 20 minutes. But it was novel to have snow at all in Miami. With global warming, it will probably never snow in Miami again. Today I put the new Norton anti-virus software called Norton 360 on my computer. I got it from Best Buy. I had heard that Circuit City has a 30% discount on everything in the store. They are closing the store here on Colonial Drive and Good Homes Road. I spent the better part of the afternoon installing the new Norton anti-virus software. Turn up the heat and heat up a Swiss mountain hot chocolate drink (the kind with the tiny marshmallows inside). Have a warm evening (never thought that I would ever being saying that after the hot summer). Lew
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