Tuesday's adventure
It is nice to reach for a hot cup of coffee on such a cool morning. I brought the little key lime tree and the little tomato plant inside so they would be protected from the cold weather. We have four key limes on the little key lime tree. Yesterday, mom took me to Wal-mart to pick up the DVD of Wall-E. I was so thrilled and played part of the movie when I got home. We also stopped at Publix on the way home so mom could pick up a gallon of milk. Mom went into the store and I stayed behind in the car. Part of the parking lot was blocked off. There were pave people there from Orlando laying out fresh tar and pounding it down. Plus laying out the parking stripes of the newly redone portion of the parking lot. I noticed the loosely held string to mark off the territory where a car was not permitted to park or drive on. However, there were a few cars that tried to violate this demand and were scolded by the young men laying out the stripes in the parking lot. One lady in the car kept saying she was sorry as she had one of those" I want to crawl under a rock look" as she drove out of the forbidden parking area. I also saw Geico man ride his bicycle around the Publix parking lot with his hobo buddy riding on the handle bars. I also saw a guy on a skate board who looked like Cupie doll man. He was wearing worn faded blue jeans with a hole in the knee cap area. Plus his face was like an angry volcano. He had two silver nugget earring studs at the base of his nose. His hair was a wirely yellow blondish color and was standing in a formation of a slightly turned onion. I figured he hadn't washed his hair in weeks or maybe even months. I was actually hoping for the guy who looked like Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. However, I don't think I will ever see this guy again. This is a picture of a content seagull. I took his picture the night before and the birds didn't seem to object for me to be close to them. As long as I didn't move much, I was considered to be OK. This morning mom's car goes into the shop so she can get some new tires put on. The mechanic plans to start work around 8. It seems early to me because I kind of gave up this schedule when I was no longer working. There will be other days I can kind of sleep in which I enjoy. I still haven't been able to load my video on to a share website. It seems to take to long to load. I would have to spend like half a day trying to get one video loaded. Right now, I don't seem to have the time or patients for this task. I did send some pictures out which I like to share with other people.
At 6:16 AM,
Lew said…
The cold weather has made Mary's cold return so we are not sure if we will be able to make it to the Thangsgiving party. We will wait and see how she feels tomorrow but today she is worse than yesterday. We will be disappointed if we don't get to go because we figure that it may be the last time that we get to see Lillian before she goes off to Delaware. We really want to go. Hopefully, she will be better tomorrow. The seagull with his feathers all fluffed up and a look of contenment reminds me of myself when I am snuggled down under the thick comforter on the bed all nice and warm and toasty when it is cold. I am glad that you got your DVD. I too have my favorite movies that I watch over and over again. I put them away for a few months and then periodically pull them out to watch one more time. This is one advantage of owning a video versus checking one out from the library which has to be returned in a few days. But I very rarely buy videos anymore. Sometimes I check the $ 1.00 videos at Wal-mart and buy one or two because the price is so cheap. Paying $ 4.95 for a video is inexpensive but buying a video for $ 1.00 is definitely cheap. I didn't know that you had some key lime trees. It won't be long before you'll be making limeade and key lime pies. We have a small orange tree in the back yard which didn't seem to grow for a while. It was probably establishing its root system. But this year it has really started to take off with lots of lush growth. We got a small orange this year but I am expecting a larger crop next year providing it doesn't get damaged by the freezes. Well, have a freezy day. Lew
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