Special Greetings

This was the little horse that didn't make it here at Glendon's farm. He ran into a tree and tragically ended his life. His name was Press Secretary. He was named by my sister who bred his mom to a son of Secretariat the famous race horse. It was nice to find an old picture to occasionally remember what the past was like. Glendon, my sister. have two new adopted horses from her place of work. They fit in real well with the rest of the clan. However, they have nicer personalities and I think Glendon will get along real well with training them. When mom and I arrived yesterday at Glendon's gate, there sat her two dogs. One was named Soldier and the other was named Morgan. Glendon says Soldier is part wolf. I was greeted by Soldier showing his teeth in a growling fashion without really growling. I almost thought he had a bad tooth problem. This soon got resolved as mom and I made our way inside the gate. The dogs had to part a way for my mom to drive the car from the gate onto the house. Mom drove on, but the dogs hung around at the gate. They were waiting for my sister to arrive home from the feed store. Inside the gate was the driveway with a fenced in pasture on each side. One side had her pet horse Shooter who has a lot of training issues and on the other side the two new arrivals Gator and Velvet. I did not realize until Glendon arrived with the truck that a pandemonium wildcat race erupts between the dogs, Velvet and Gator and Shooter. The dogs follow the truck in a full throttle run. Shooter starts the wild gated run with Velvet and Gator following a close second up the pathways towards the house. I hear sounds of loud snorting following by uncontrolled coughing. Both Shooter and Velvet have serious respiratory infections. However, they would not let a little thing like a cold stand in their way of a big race. It is a matter of horse pride. They do it for the glory of the big snort. The" I dominate snort" because I ran the big race and did what I was required by my code of horse like conduct to accomplish. I just silently shake my head in disbelief. The horses would rather have a spurt of excitement than to cave into a cold. This kind of reminds me of Kahlua the Appaloosa mare and pride of my riding career's deep seeded motherly wisdom. She did not waste her energy chasing the young one around in the pasture because Rosie the baby had youthful burst of energy. Kahlua stayed in one place while Rosie ran around the pasture in a race like mode. When Rosie was done she would come back to her mother Kahlua and the mother and daughter would be reunited in peace. Glendon had a lot of chores which I was able to help out some. She had horse feed and chicken feed to unload. I was able to unload the chicken feed. Glendon also had me take the buckets of feed to the big horses. I used a little blue cart to carry the feed buckets. This worked out well for me. I also gave Glendon's turkey she calls "The General" some chicken feed. He ate it until he got kernels stuck in his throat. He didn't know enough to take a drink of water to wash the kernel down. I was a little leary of approaching him with some water because he looked like he wanted to attack me.The turkey is very territorial. He would give me a certain look if I crossed his ground. I threw a bit of chicken food in with the chickens. Glendon says the production of eggs is not up to standards. Maybe while mom and I are here we can figure out the reason why this is happening. Mom made the spaghetti for dinner and Glendon had some dinner rolls from the Health food place which had Hemp in it. Glendon thought the taste was pretty good. Mom and I brought the nine pound all natural butterball. Thanksgiving will be Thursday and it should be very good.
At 5:31 PM,
Lew said…
The vegetation at your sisters place always looks so lush. It should be good pasture for the horses. Angry dogs? Take a couple of hot dogs next time and give one hot dog to each dog. I always found that with enough hot dogs I could make friends with any dog. The 9 pound turkey sounds like it may be a hen and should be very tender. I went to Wal-Mart today to get a pumpkin pie for tomorrow and I got one of the few remaining pumpkin pies. As big as Wal Mart goes they were evidently running out of the pumpkin pies. There was an unbelieveable number of people in the store. All of the registers were going and there were people waiting at each register. Pepperoni pizza from Little Caesers for supper tonight. They were giving out samples of their cheese crazy bread. It was good but a little too spicy for me. Tomorrow I will pick up a paper to get the flyers for all of the day-after-Thanksgiving sales. Time for a little television. Have a good evening. Lew
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