Saturday is the big Gator game

This is a picture of my sister Glendon on a tractor at her work place. She will be listening to the radio real close to see how the University of Florida Gator football team plays against Alabama. I am hoping the Gators win. This is almost the final. If they win, the final will be played in Miami. I guess this game is for the Southeastern Conference (SEC). Mom and I also have a boat parade to go to this evening. Hopefully, I can take some nice pictures there. Doesn't my sister look very official in the company riding tractor? She feeds cows and horses plus clean out their drinking water tubs. She also cleans barns sometimes along with certain stalls. It is a very hard labor type of job but it gives my sister Glendon an extra income.
At 7:06 AM,
Lew said…
I see in yesterdays blog that you had tried to get a picture of the moon at night. I have tried a couple of times and had the same problem as you did in yesterdays blog picture, the moon is bleached out. In some of your pictures in the past you have gotten some pretty decent detail of the surface of the moon which makes me envious because all that I have been able to get so far is bleached-out pictures. I think that you had gotten those good moon pictures at twilight before the background sky is black. I have downloaded a chart of the times of moonrise and moonset and the phases of the moon so that I can try to get a similar picture as you have gotten ion the past. The moon is so bright through a telescope that you can actually get some pretty good views of it through a small telescope. You can even have the telescope inside the house looking through a window with the telescope. The prettiest views of the moon is not the full moon as expected but the half moon because the sun is hitting the mountains on the moon at a slant and this creates shadow which highlights the features even more. If the moon is too bright, just take a piece of paper and cut a hole in it smaller than the end of the telescope and place it over the end of the telescope. This will not affect the quality of the image at all but will cut down on the amount of moonlight entering the telescope. You might have to experiment with different size holes in the paper to get it to the correct amount of light for easy viewing. Plus it is not critical for the hole to be perfectly round. The image will not be distorted at all by the shape of the hole. You can have a lot of fun with a smaller telescope because it is light and easy to move around. I had one when I was young. It was small but well made. I would go outside and set it on a ladder to look at the stars and the moon. Even in winter, there I would be standing in 20" of snow looking through the telescope on top of the ladder in the front yard. It is amazing how much can be seen and the increase in clarity from the magnification of the telescope. We are coming into the winter sky which is when all of the really neat objects in the sky are available to be seen: the crab nebula in Orion, the Pleides (a.k.a. the seven sisters), the Andromeda galaxy, and the list just goes on and on. Try viewing through a window in the house but turn the lights off in the room. My other project is to try once again to take pictures at the eyepiece of the telescope. However, I am attempting to do astrophotography "on a shoestring" which requires a lot of creativity. Your sister looks happy on the tractor. It is a lot of work for her to do. Working with animals is always pleasant and peaceful but what happens if she has a cold and can't go to work on a weekend? Who will feed the animals? I use to go to the University of Florida for various training sessions through work. I always liked the area because of the nice woods. The people attending the training would usually stay in the dorms on the 2nd floor of the student union. We would eat out meals in the cafeteria in the student union and the food was quite good. It was a lot of fun and quite pleasant. I am not too sure about going to the Christmas parade today because of the possibility of rain. We will have to wait and see. Take care and have a nice day and try to stay dry. When it storms grab your camera and say to your mom "Surfs up!" and get yourself to the beach nd get some great pictures of the breakers rolling in. And thanks for the Christmas card. It was nice of you and your mom to send us one. Everyone likes to be remembered which is why I have always thought kindly of Lillian because she keeps sending people cards after they have left the office. That is nice of her to do that and demonstrates a caring personality. Instead of a wedding cake, I think that it would be more appropriate for her to have what is known as a "break-away cake" made out of cupcakes. What do you think? Too tacky? Take Care and enjoy the day. Lew
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