Fly me to the moon
Today, I took a couple of hours out for me time to enjoy a movie which was a remake of "The Day The Earth Stood Still." I will catch it on the Turner Classic Movie channel every once in a while. This version stars Keanu Reeves as Klaatu the alien sent to earth to save the earth. This version gets a bit more detail on how the alien saves the earth which is getting rid of the humans. This is a plot that has been done by Star Trek 4 where an alien craft was set to destroy earth just to talk to a whale. Keanu Reeves has a certain look which doesn't age with time. He is eye candy to the middle age female. His fans falls into the group of the Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and George Clooney fans. However, Keanu's personality and warmth is not as charming as his looks. The special effects in the movie seemed to be a little too much for my taste. I did like the warm interaction between the main female character and her stepson. I felt this to be the highlight of the movie. I miss the traditional spaceship. I thought the little globe like earths were a bit much. The robot wasn't any better than the one in the first version of the movie. The movie makers only super sized him to make him look more scary. I also thought him turning into bugs was like "The Mummy Movie" which was reusing an old plot. I also didn't care for the ending of all the lights going out. I was waiting for the lights to come back on which they didn't. I would have the alien have a love crush on the main female character. I would have them go out dancing together. I would have him discover what love is all about. I would have them have the all out debate on which planet to live on. Do we live on earth or do we visit other galaxies and worlds? I would have Keanu Reeves sing "Fly me to the moon." I would have the Klaatu character create harmony amongst the nations of the UN. I got my free ticket this time. I belong to a card club at the movie theater which after so many movies you get a prize. The prizes include: drinks, popcorn and a free ticket. This time I got the free ticket and just blew my money on the popcorn and drink.
At 6:58 AM,
Lew said…
I liked the original version of The Day the Earth Stood Still better than the remake. There just seemed to be more story development and it was easier to follow in the original version. Plus I did not hear the words "Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!" uttered in the remake. These are the words uttered by the girl to the robot near the end of the movie to keep the giant robot from destroying the earth. The giant robots name was Gort. Did you see Kneau Reeves in the movie Chain Reaction. It is a good movie and I kept having trouble trying to figure out whether Morgan Freeman is a good guy or a bad guy. Isn’t it great to see a movie for free? It is good to get something for free in this overpriced society that we now live in. But popcorn and a soda is a must for the movies. Have a good time at Williston. Lew
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