Last day at Glendon's place

Today, the day after Christmas when you normally take stuff like clothes back to the store, mom and I will be returning home to the beach. Mom will be taking us back to the beach. The days of farm life will be gone for now. We will take some eggs with us and maybe some chicken manure. I can never get enough pictures. The time just seems too short. Glendon goes back to work this morning, but will be home this afternoon. I made a pot of coffee good and strong. Everyone including me will have the extra kick they need to start the morning good. Come to think about it, my strong coffee even gave Joe the extra kick he needed to start the morning. I will take my Gator stuff back to the beach. I love the gator stuff. It is so fitting before the final game to get loaded with gator stuff. This is a way to show my support for the team. I hope they cream the "Oklahoma Sooner team." Glendon just got up and grabbed a cup of my strong coffee. She went into the living room. I know she will turn the fan off ,because she doesn't like the fan blowing on her. I love to sleep with the fan blowing on me. She just turned on the Christmas lights and I may hear the television in a minute. She probably wants to catch the weather to see what her weekend will be like here and at work. She leaves here so early. It is barely daylight when she gets to work. She says it is a holiday weekend so she can park closer to her work place. She normallyparks down the hill so she won't have to pay for a parking sticker. I guess parking fees can get expensive. The turkey seemed so well behaved this time around. I made sure the chickens got food so they would lay some good eggs. Glendon has a small garden planted with some tiny plants. There is so many projects here it seems like a full time job and then some to keep on top of everything or even ahead on improvements. I would love to see some interesting shrubs placed along the front fence line facing the road. I like to see stuff with lots of flowers making almost a hedge so the traffic is not visiable from the road. They can not see you and you can not see them. I would like to see the same shrub line the fence along the entrance to the property. The road would have a flowery hedge along each side you looked. The horses would barely be able to peak out. Glendon has been playing nurse maid to her sick horses with runny noses. She gave Shooter her last antibiotic shot last night. She now only has to deal with Tumbleweed. Tumbleweed is the oldest of all the horses. She is like the Great, Great, Grandmother to all the horses. She also has selective hearing when you call her. She seems to go where she wants no matter what you say. Mom and I have a lot of stuff to pack and take back with us to the beach. It will be sad to leave the animals and the country way of life, but it will be good to get home and unpack and take my shoes off and relax for a short time. I know there will be lots of stuff to do at home, but I can take a short break to recharge my inner energy battery. I think mom will do the same.
At 3:33 PM,
Lew said…
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Boy did I make a mistake. I said that Wednesday night was the peak night of my cold and that I would be on the mend. Well, Thursday night was so much worse. Draining sinuses, runny nose, sore throat, hacking cough. I had it all. So today I decided to take some antibiotics and they are helping quite a bit. I once went to my family doctor in Miami with a cold. He was an older doctor. Sort of the Marcus Welby type. A very nice fellow. I asked him if he could give me some antibiotics and he said that antibiotics won’t help a cold because it is viral and not bacterial. Antibiotics won’t act on bacteria. Then I mentioned that I was coughing up some yellow mucous. He said “Yellow?”. I said yes. “Well, the yellow mucous is caused by bacteria and the treatment for that is antibiotics” he said. He gave me a prescription and it helped a great deal. So now I think that I am definitely on the mend because of the antibiotics that I happened to have. So that is my tale of woe with a bright side of getting better to it.
Did you have to sleep in the living room? On the couch? I have done it and the couch really isn’t all that bad. At least you get to watch TV. My parents had a large hedge of hibiscus along the front property line in Miami. They were red hibiscus and doing very well. Then some type of hibiscus plant disease came along and killed off all of the hibiscus much like the lethal yellowing coconut palm disease wiped all of the coconut palms in Miami. We also had a nice coconut palm tree in front of the house where we parked our cars. I learned the hard way not to park the car under the coconut palm when I came out one morning and there was a dent in my hood. It too is gone and has been gone for a longtime. There is an old saying “Good fences make for good neighbors”. I don’t necessarily agree with that but because of what society has become it is probably essential to fence your yards. The people in the small town that I come from in New York had no fences either front or back. Be careful of the chicken manure on plants. In Phoenix, I worked with a fellow x-ray technician whose father had had an egg farm. He told me that the manure was very strong and could burn the plants. He told me that his father just barely got by with the egg farm because the profit margin was so low.
Today I installed my new printer/copier/scanner. I also started the installation of the combo VCR/DVD player/recorder. It will record on both the video tape and the DVD. It should be nice when completed
but I am befuddled on how to hook it up so that it will record. We have a large LCD screen
TV with a jillion connections on the back. Plus we have cable TV with a converter box with another jillion connections. How much is a jillion? I am not sure but it is a lot. It was turkey sandwiches for lunch an Chinese food for supper. I am having sweet and sour chicken. I don’t remember what Mary is having but she is going to make some white rice to go with it. I know that you will be glad to get home and back to your normal routine. I always liked the movie line from The Wizard of Oz “click you heels and say three times, There’s no place like home”. Take care, have a good evening, and enjoy your visit to the beach. Lew
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