Finding distinctions in music

This morning is Christmas Eve early when the roosters crow and the sun isn't up yet. I doved into the world of the Internet You Tube music to find some Classical/Christmas sounding songs to place me in the mood for a traditional Christmas. This morning I started out listening to the lady singers; instead of, my Andrea Bocelli or Pavarotti almost operatic songs. The first one I picked was Renee Fleming. She is a pretty blond middle age lady with always a smile on her face. She wears deep red lip stick to off set her fair skin features. Renee is an Opera Soprano that has sang at the Met and does world wide concerts. She has very distinctive pronunciation of the words she is singing. Her tone is a bit heavy set on the lower range , but can flow with the greatest of ease to the upper range. She hasn't gone exceptionally high into her upper range like Beverly Sills, but she has Beverly Sills highest respect as a singer. She is very traditional in her dress and not flashy with the clothes she wears. She doesn't depend on pyre techniques to put on a show. She sticks to the core of the music and presents it the best she can to the public audience. She did make an appearance at the University of Gainesville awhile back and I was sorry to have missed her performance. I think it would have been a treat to see how she interprets music. Renee did a nice rendition of Shubert's "Ave Maria." It was pretty straight forward singing. Afterwards I jumped over to Sarah Brightman videos. I caught Sarah's version of Shubert's" Ave Maria" and was greatly disappointed. Sarah has two distinctive voices. She has an Opera Voice which she has done a wonderful job on some French songs. She also has a Broadway thin sound which served her well when she was doing the musical Cats. Sarah used her Broadway thin sound for the "Ave Maria" which just blew the quality of the song away. I know Sarah is capable of a deeper richer sound and she needs to return to her Opera roots and depend less on the pyre techniques to carry her show. She is always beautiful and has the flashiest outfits. I think Renee could use a little of Sarah's flashiness, but not a lot. I think both singers could benefit from a duet together which I believe would never happen. They live separate lives and never cross paths on their traveling journeys. This is just a wishful thought from someone who enjoys listening to music.
At 6:27 AM,
Lew said…
Your sister in the picture looks like she is ready for a trip to the Caribbean with the straw hat on. Very Floridish. When the rest of the country is shoveling snow, we are walking around in short sleeve shirts. Whenever I would go to training courses up north during the winter months I would always cook hamburgers on the outdoor grill to celebrate my appreciation of the climate that we are in. I would ask my classmates from the north at these courses what they were going to do when they got back home. After they told me, I would tell them about barbequeing hamburges on the outside grill which would make them very envious. We are truly fortunate to be here in Florida. However, some of us are more fortunate than others, like the ones who live near the beach (I'm not mentioning any names). I go to u-tube to listen to music also. There is just so much at that site. Mary baked a large coffee crumb cake for us to have with breakfast Christmas morning. She also made a large red velvet cake which she will take her daughters house today. Her daughter is making a rib roast (yummy) and all of the relatives are going to have supper at her house which is quite large. This is when the gifts will be exchanged. Mary saved enough of the red velvet cake batter to make two cupcakes which she then smothered with cream cheese frosting after they had cooled a little but actually were still just a little warm. The cupcakes were very good and so that was a preview of what is to come with the big red velvet cake. So today will be busy. I know that I said that I wasn't going to do it under any circumstances but I have to do some last minute shopping. Have a good day and how was your steak? Lew
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