Back at home
I am back home in New Smyrna not listening for roosters crowing or the train whistling down the tracks in the distance. The one window I have to look outside has the blinds pulled shut. The reason is so the world is locked away. The weather is suppose to stay warm over the weekend and turn cooler next week. This is a picture of Glendon's baby horses. The one next to the camera with the red mane is Gator and the black one in the background is Velvet. Gator is a gelled male horse and Velvet is a filly. Gator was playing with Velvet yesterday before we left to come home. Gator rared up and pawed at Velvet in a playful fashion and then rolled on the ground after Velvet rolled on the ground. The roosters would have a crow off around 4 a.m. in the morning. Glendon has two roosters Golden Boy who sleeps in the trees with one hen and Feather duster who sleeps with the other hens. They both would set off crowing in response to the neighbor's roosters crowing.
At 6:41 AM,
Lew said…
We have the same thing with the chickens next door. The hens are crowing all day long or perhaps calling. If you say “richie crowfer” then that is the sound that the chickens make. It just goes on all day long as if they never tire or their voice doesn’t seem to wear out. You are right about the rooster in the tree. The people who lived in the house next door prior to the current ones also had chickens. The rooster would fly up into the tree to roost which surprised me because I didn’t realize that chickens could fly vertically. I thought that they were too heavy. The problem with the rooster in the tree is that being high up his voice would carry further and sounded louder as we were trying to sleep. Unfortunately this rooster would start his crowing around 3:00 am while it was still pitch black out. The only thing that I can figure is that perhaps he thought that the street light was the sun. I guess that we had the country right here in the city.
Today is Saturday and that means a big breakfast. Mary cooks a big breakfast on the weekends. Weekdays it is usually cereal unless it is really cold then perhaps oatmeal. On Saturdays it is fried eggs, bacon or sausage, hash browns, and English muffins. On Sundays it is either pancakes or waffles and sometimes sausage. If there are oranges in the refrigerator then she usually makes cut-up oranges in small individual serving bowls. We usually have breakfast around 8:00 am but I usually get up early (around 5:00 am) and have my coffee and do my work on the laptop. That is the usual routine. Routines are good because they make life simpler and more comfortable. Just like getting back to New Smyrna and your own daily routine like going down to the beach each afternoon. Very relaxing.
Yesterday Mary took back the Christmas presents that needed to be returned. I didn’t go because I wasn’t feeling all that good from the cold. I am not sure what will be happening today but I am sure that it will be a full day. It always is. Have a good day and enjoy your trip to the beach. Lew
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