Reflections of sea life
Mom and I went to the North end of the beach on Flagler. The tide was out and there were lots of people on the beach. There were also lots of pigeons and seagulls on the beach. Mom went down to the shoreline with some popcorn and she was very popular with the seagulls. They all flocked around her squawking and begging for food. When the food was gone they still stood around with longing looks of hoping for one more piece of popcorn or some kind of food. I guess it would take a whole mountain of bird food to get them stuffed so they wouldn't be interested in another drop of food. I am glad my camera captures distant shots. Looking at this picture makes me wonder what it was like to drive the boat where capturing shrimp and other fish was a way of life. The preparation to get it ready to sell must be hard work. I wonder if the fish and shrimp has to be government inspected or state inspected? What kind of mark up price would they sell to the food markets? How restricted is the type of fish they catch? I love seafood, but I think what I get to eat comes from other places. There was suppose to be some whales swimming south off the Volusia Coast. I heard this on the television news. However, I didn't see any signs of this occurring in the waters today. I see quite a few young people just hanging around down by the beach. It is like they have no compass in life. They gather in small groups and occasionally the guys would tease the girls. Mom and I left early before the sun went down. As we were leaving, mom and I caught a glimpse of "The Breakers" grilled hamburgers. I don't have to taste one to know they are mouth watering good. Mom cooked a baked chicken dish which required mushroom soup. It was pretty good. Tomorrow will be New Years EVE. This meant champagne, food and lots of talk.
At 4:17 PM,
Lew said…
Drats, Drats, and double Drats!! This morning around 10:00 am I was typing a comment to your blog. I was almost finished when the phone rang. I broke off typing in the middle of a sentence to answer the phone. It was someone I knew who had an emergency. He had gotten out of bed during the night and fell and hit his head against the aluminum window frame in the bedroom. He bled rather profusely. He asked if I could go over to his place and help him clean up the blood. I told him that I would be right over. Mary went with me and we were there shortly. When we entered his place there was blood everywhere. There was blood in the kitchen, blood in the living room, blood in the hallway, blood in the bathroom, and lots of blood in the bedroom. Every room in the place is tile except the bedroom which is carpeted. His socks were soaked with blood which caused him to track the blood throughout the place. He had a deep gash on his forehead extending down into his left eyebrow. The wound had crusted over with dried blood. Mary and I cleaned the tile floors throughout. There was nothing that we could do about the bedroom carpet. Mary got him a pair of socks so he could change his blood soaked socks. He was leaving for Ft. Lauderdale today and so the carpet will have to wait until he returns. I think that it will take a professional carpet cleaner to get the blood soaked carpet in the bedroom clean. Mary and I left and returned home to get ready for the Holiday House. We both had the leg of lamb. It was very good. I got a large pile of real mashed potatoes with a ladle of gravy on top, lots and lots of whole cranberry sauce, and a corn muffin which was dry until I coated it with real pats of butter. Both Mary and I also got the salad bar with the meal. There were just too many items to mention but I got cole slaw, macaroni salad, cottage cheese, and some jello with small finely diced pieces of some type of fruit on top which gave it a cranberry taste. I ate until I was full and then had a little bit more so as to finish my plate. A good time was had and it was nice and quiet. We had a table by the window and so we could people watch as we ate. Everything was delicious. The desserts were absolutely decadent but we were both too full to try any. The quality of the food was excellent. We came back home and watched the second half of the movie Twister. We had watched the first half last night. It is a good movie with lots of action in it. I will probably have to take a little nap early-on tonight so that I can be awake at midnight. I normally got to bed around 9:00-9:30 and get up around 5:30. What happened to the comments to your blog that I was typing? Gone!. I thought that I had saved it so that I could finish it when I got back home. Something happened and it didn’t get saved so I will have to retype it as best as I can remember. That is what the drats, drats, and double drats is for. For losing all of the blog comment that I had typed. Have fun watching all of the New Years Eve programs on television tonight. Don’t forget to have some crackers and cheese tonight while watching the festivities. Have fun. Lew
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