The turkey is gone
It was kind of hard to locate a picture of the turkey after Glendon told me her pet turkey she named "The General" passed on to his great reward. She had to bury him last night which she dug a hole in the chicken yard. He was a big guy and she had to dig a six foot hole to bury the sixty pound turkey. Despite all the work to bury the creature she says she will miss him. She thinks he died of natural causes. He lived a good five years and had a happy life. He was boss of his own little world. I guess I will miss petting the guy. He just stood there while you stroked his warm head. He did attack Glendon's camera when I got too close, but he never attacked me. He loved eating dog food, cat food, and chicken food. The chicken food did get stuck in his throat and he would have to take time and cough it through. Glendon says "the other animals like the dogs and cats knew something was up, but they are OK." Glendon says" he left an impression with everyone he met."
At 6:53 AM,
Lew said…
Sorry to hear of the passing of Glendon's turkey. It is easy to get attached to an animal, especially when they become attached to you and follow you everywhere. Plus, pets are so dependent on us for all their needs. The feral kitten has cost us a lot of money in vet bills but we have gotten so attached to it that we don't mind. I hope that the kitten remains as affectionate and lively as she is now when she grows up. For example, the rabbit. When it was young it was friendly. It is a male and now it has become the bunny from hades. It is one meany bunny. I avoid handling it because it always bites me. And I hate to tell you how many electrical cords I have had to repair from the rabbit chewing on them. We try to watch the rabbit to keep it from chewing on the electrical cords but he is sneaky and does it when we aren't looking. He has been getting better about the chewing on the electrical cords and doesn't do it any wheres near as often as he used to. Plus, he has grown and grown and now is a large mean bunny with very powerful jaw muscles for biting. Mary seems to have better luck at handling him but she also gets bit on occassion. I see the barbeque in the background in the picture. Is this where your friend Joe prepared the steak (or was it chicken?) and shrimp? The barbeque looks to be quite an impressive setup. Gotta go as I try to copy David by singing Happy Trails to myself as I sign off. Have a nice day and enjoy the cool mornings. Lew
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