I hope people watch the Gator game
Coffee is the great reviver when you had a ruff night sleeping. I went to bed so late last night. Plus, I didn't straighten out my bed linens before placing my pillows and blankets on so I had a very lumpy bed. This reminds me of the story about the Princess and the Pea. She complained about one little stone in her bed. I wonder how she would have reacted to a lumpy mattress? There was a story in yesterday's Channel 9 news cast about Organic verses non Organic. The news team was comparing the two items according to price and good health. It was brought out by the news media's expert that some vegetables and fruits are heavily dosed in chemicals. How come this isn't more tightly regulated by the government? What amount of chemicals is acceptable to the human body? Why are there not any class action suits filed against the companies which allow this to happen? Today is the big Gator game which is actually tonight at 8:14 p.m. I hope the Gators win the football game. I bought some organic peanuts to eat at the game. It seemed like good snack food. Although the peanuts are tiny, they do have a good flavor. Plus, they were only $1.99 which doesn't hurt my spending budget.
At 5:02 PM,
Lew said…
When I ran the CAT scanner in San Diego, I had a patient who was a farmer in California. I talked to him a little bit about farming and he told me that it was difficult to compete with the produce coming up from Mexico. He said that he can't use DDT on his crops because it is banned and must use these more expensive alternative pesticides. He says that the U.S. can't regulate what the farmers in Mexico put on their crops. In my hometown in New York there was an apple storage warehouse about three blocks from the house that I lived in. Next to the storage warehouse was a pond. We called it the spray pond because that is where the large agricultural sprayers would suck up water into the large tanks and then mix in bags of pesticide powder, or herbicide powder, or fertilizer powders. These are the large farm sprayers that are pulled along behind tractors. I would watch them fill the sprayer tank. They would drop a large hose that looked very much like the hose that a fire truck runs out to the fire hydrant for water. When they had sucked up enough water into the sprayer tank they would shut the pump off and then lift the hose out of the water. I would notice a milky colored liquid running back out of the hose and into the pond. It seemed to backwash some of the pesticide liquid back into the pond whenever they were done. We ice skated on the pond in the winter and float on it on makeshift rafts in the summer. One time on a hot summer day, me and my friend Butchy Hoffman decided to go for a swim in the pond. Everything went fine for about twenty minutes and then we noticed that we were both covered in red spots all over our bodies. We got out of the pond and went to our respective homes. I showed the spots to my mom but there really wasn't anything that she could do about it and the spots went away by the next day. I suspect that I probably got a hefty dose of pesticides that day. But I am still alive after all these years and so I guess that I am okay from the experience. Today there is a very nice house that has been built on the edge of the pond and facing the pond for a great view. I wonder if they know the true nature of the pond.
There are several stray and feral cats that hang around the house. Mary puts food out in the garage for them so that they won't starve. There was one cat that Mary could get near. Not touch, just near. She would sit in the garage talking to the cat while it ate, trying to get the cat to be more friendly. It was a pretty cat and it was her favorite one of the several stray cats that came around at suppertime. She named the cat Daisy. Yesterday Mary was leaving to go shopping when she spotted the cat in the road and it had been run over. So while she was shopping I buried the cat in the backyard so that she wouldn't have to watch because she was already upset about the death of the cat. She still misses the cat and talks about her. But then we have the kitten to takes Daisy's place. Fortunately, the kitten is very friendly and affectionate. By now, the kitten is probably closer to being a juvenile than a kitten. She is getting around the house at literally lightning speed so I guess that her bad leg has healed up okay. The kitten's name is Tammy but Tammy the Flash is probably more appropriate. Have a nice evening. It is suppose to be a cold night so put the flannel sheets on the bed and turn up the thermostat on the electric blanket because this is snuggling weather whereby the only thing sticking out from under the covers is the tip of the nose. Take Care and stay warm. Lew
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